|09| insta

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♥️ by finnwolfhardofficial, wyattoleff, milliebobbybrown, sophialilis, jackdgrazer, camimendes, caseycott, madelame, lilireinhart, chosenjacobs, and 17,864

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♥️ by finnwolfhardofficial, wyattoleff, milliebobbybrown, sophialilis, jackdgrazer, camimendes, caseycott, madelame, lilireinhart, chosenjacobs, and 17,864

angiebby: so glad I finally got to meet you richie!!

|tagged @finnwolfhardofficial|

finnwolfhardofficial: I was so happy @angiebby ur very nice :))

user1: I love parents

angiebby: @user1 I'm still 14 lmfao chill

uncle_jezzy: wow finn finally found a girl

finnwolfhardofficial: @uncle_jezzy stfu we're not dating

user2: okay joe and finn starting an argument in the comments section over Angie is so qt ahhh

uncle_jezzy: yeah okay that's what millie said when she said she didn't like Jacob @finnwolfhardofficial

milliebobbybrown: @uncle_jezzy seriously joe??

angiebby: @uncle_jezzy JOE THE HOEEEE

uncle_jezzy: the reason I stay away from ur profile @angiebby

gatenm123: @angiebby I like that nickname

angiebby: okay @gatenm123 I'm totally not starstruck rn but OMFG THE ACTUAL GATEN MOZZARELLA LIKED MY NICKNAME

gatenm123: @angiebby gaten mozzarella? I love you, mom can we keep her???

angiebby: @gatenm123 aw ur so sweet

user3: I lowkey ship gaten and angie,, is that bad?

user4: yes it is bc half of these ppl shouldn't be friends with her,, if you've seen the teaser trailer for Jellybean, she fucking sucks. She's ugly asf and idek why half of these ppl are friends with her bc she's fucking retarted. She tries to be funny but fails,, I don't see what ppl like in her

angiebby:  I understand you don't like me and I'm honestly okay with that. I'm not begging you to like me and I'm certainly not begging you to be my fan or stan me in any way. However, you SHOULD NOT bring a women/girl down like that. I bet you are a women yourself. You, as a women, have no right to put down another women and call her slurs like ugly and retarted. We are learned to treat others with respect and if you do not like me why are you on my post? Just for publicity? You will be blocked and reported to the Instagram community, I do not want ppl on my account who do not respect women and women's rights, goodbye. @user4 

sadiesink_: YES👏🏻👏🏻

finnwolfhardofficial: totally not crying in the club rn oof that was so motivational!!

angiebby: ty loves💕 @sadiesink_ @finnwolfhardofficial

uncle_jezzy: yes queen, yes queen, yes queen!

angiebby: @uncle_jezzy 💓💓

dkharbour: wow, such a legend!

angiebby: nahh I'm pretty sure you are @dkharbour



camimendes: I want this friendship to happen

caseycott: same @camimendes

| angiebby has blocked user4|
|finnwolfhardofficial has blocked user4|
| camimendes has blocked user4|
| uncle_jezzy has blocked user4|
| milliebobbybrown has blocked user4|
|gatenm123 has blocked user4|
|dkharbour has blocked user4|
|caseycott has blocked user4|
|madelame has blocked user4|
| lilireinhart has blocked user4|
|wyattoleff has blocked user4|
|hell, everyone blocked user4|

A/N: Hey guys! Listen before I get any hate I want you all to read this and understand where I'm coming from. When I was writing joe's comment towards millie and Jacob I wasn't showing any hate. I don't like Jacob personally bc well I never did like him but if he makes millie happy and if millie is happy then I'm happy for her 😊

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