chapter 2

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               A ravened haired boy with shaggy hair peeked out of a corner for any danger. He looked around and turned to the back,  "Coast is clear. Let's go!" He whispered as he motioned his friends, Zatanna, M'gann, Bart, and Jaime to follow him. "This is so crash! We get to go to the grave tides!" A red haired boy with alot of freckles and an electric eel tail that is the color of red and white squealed, as he was shushed by a girl with black hair and a pearly-white octopus tail with black suction cups. "Shut up Bart! You're gonna get us in trouble!" She scolded in a hushed tone.
               "Sorry Zatanna, I'm just excited", Bart silently apologized to the girl named Zatanna. They kept swimming, until they reached the Grave Tides. It was a gloomy and shadowy place, where sea monsters go to feast on the deceased  flesh if they did not yet rot, where drowned humans go, where ships go when they sink, and where sea beings bury their dead. It had nothing, but shadows, skeletons of those who once lived, and abandoned ships. All five friends were in awe. "Look at this place..." said a green skinned girl with freckles, red hair, webbed hands and feet. "I wonder if those skeletons still have brains!" Said a merman who is a latino with a mohawk, along with a blue and black shark tail. "One way to find out Jaime. C'mon!" the shaggy haired, boy replied as he motioned jos friends to follow him.
               They started to explore the grave tide, until they came across a huge sea monster skull. They looked up and eyes were wide of how massive it was. The red and black tailed merman turned to his friends and asked, "Who wants to go first?".
"Don't look at me, I'm not going in there!" Said Zatanna, "Let M'gann go first", Zatanna stated as she pointed at the green skinned girl. "Oh! Um, that's nice of you, but... I think Jaime should go!" M'gann replied as she pushed the latino merman towards the other raven-haired teen. "Què?!?!!! Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Not me! I ain't going, gracias!" Jaime swam behind Bart for protection, "Wanna go hermano?" He asked the ginger with the electric eel tail that is red and white. "No!" Bart exclaimed as he pushed his friend away from him. This annoyed their raven and shaggy haired friend. "All RIGHT!" He shouted and his friends all looked at him in silence, "I'll go first, you all can keep look out for sea monsters and gaurds", he ordered.
              He went inside the skull, while all of his friends looked at each other and dedcided to follow him, "Hey Tim wait up!" Bart cried and the others were hot on Tim's trail. Tim looked behind him and smirked. The cave was dark, but luckily for them Zatanna was aboe to provide light with her magic. The kept swimming deeper and deeper, until the heard a thud. They all paused and asked each other if they asked each other made the sound, but nobody did. They were all about to proceed, until a disfigured shadow appeared before them that wasn't none of theirs.  "Umm...sorry to make things more horrifying than it should be I think there's a seamonkey is about to kill us", Bart broke the silenced, all his friends gasped and cried, "SEAMONKIES" in unison and swammed away fast as their fins could. Seamonkies were yellow one-eyed, slimy purple skinned, webbed footed, and carnivorous ocean beasts. The sea monkies snapped their sharp teeths and tried claw at the fleeing teens. They made it  out the skull as the sea monsters kept chasing them, until they were blasted by a powerful, magical source. "Thanks Zatanna!" Tim thanked and looked at her with a smile. Zatanna turned her head at looked at him as if he was insane, "I didn't do that!" She corrected. All the teens stopped on their tracks and watched the royal gaurds blasting and beating the monsters. The seamonkies fled and went back inside the skull. All of the gaurds turned to the teens, "Is everyone all right?" One gaurd asked. All the teens said 'yes' in unison and another guard swam up to Tim and told him, "Your highness your father wants you at the palace immediately", Tim froze. All of his freinds were confused, "Wait, 'your highness'? What is he talking about Tim?" Asked M'gann. Tim looked down, rubbed at the back of his head and said, "Oh, uh...I don't know how to explain it, but...I'm one of the princes", he blushed. "YOU'RE A PRINCE??!!!!!!?!!!?", The other teens spoke in unison of how surprised they were, thay their friend is one of the sons of king Bruce. Tim nodded, still looking down and blushing. One of the gaurd broke the silence by escorting the prince back to the palace, along with his friends following another guard to their homes. Tim gulped as he knew he is in big trouble; all beacause he led his friends on danger and a dangerous area forbidden, unless burying the dead or feeding monsters. Tim knew not to go there just for fun amd now he's jusy gonna have to face whatever punishment there is in store for him; even if it's him facing his father's wrath.  Tim knew It's goingto be a long day of how he's going explain all this to his dad.

Wow! This is my longest chapter yet! Oh boy, Tim Drake is in trouble. Poor boy, he's just gonna have to face the music. Get ready for the next one because there's gonna be some family drama! Next chapter will be up soon.

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