3. Blurry

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I couldn't stop thinking about the boy on my drive to the meetup. It was awfully dark and rainy at this hour and mom had called about 3 times while I was driving because she always has to know where I am.

I told her I was going to Anna's house, which is what I always say when I go to these types of things. The location was in the basement of some random bar in the town square. I think it was called Lucky Loon.

Anna told me the password to get in was "pineapple juice", which is very odd but the guy guarding the room got the message and let me through.

People usually have connections to get places like these to allow us meet here. Usually, we'd have someone looking out for us, making sure no one could catch us breaking rules.

Really all we do is just all hang out and socialize. On most nights.

I got downstairs and already about 15 people were there sprawled out on the grey couches and sitting areas in the dark basement. The room had lots of red tinted lights and it was covered in posters of 80s bands.

People were passing around a bottle of Jack Daniel's and laughing it up. I recognized some familiar faces from school and smiled.

"Hey, you made it." a cheerful voice from the back of the room caught my attention. "Hey," I said back as I began to make my way over to where all my friends were sitting.

The place was pretty small and quaint with bottles of booze and empty cups scattered all over the room. Green Day was playing on the radio and everyone was passionately singing along.

I scooched over next to Claire on the loveseat and she already had her legs over some guy's lap. He was playing with her hair as she took back shots of lord-knows-what was in her cup. "Gosh these cups are so bad for the environment" she shakes her head and everyone laughs.

"Can you just let us have one night without you guilting us into planting a tree or something? Please?" Anna said from across the other couch she was sitting on. Claire just rolled her eyes.

"Do you want a drink?" Claire offered me a sip from the half empty bottle of whiskey. "No thanks, I'm driving." I decline. "Oh come on, a few sips won't hurt." she slurred her words slightly.

I grimaced as I apprehensively took the bottle and chugged a few tiny gulps of the bitter liquid.

Anna cheered and others joined in as well, which I really thought was unnecessary.

I nearly gagged at the taste of the drink and I immediately handed the bottle back to Claire and crossed my arms. "I'm proud of you hun." Anna giggled. "Whatever" I laid back on the couch.

They treat me as if I'm this goody-goody two shoes and I don't know how to have fun. I just know I can't come home drunk, my parents would slaughter me. Luckily for Anna, her parents don't care. She gets in trouble so often they've decided to just accept her the way she is.

I wish mine would do the same.

"Hey, Sadie" Mike sat down next to me, immediately sliding his arm around me. "Mike, what are you doing?" I move away slightly, feeling uncomfortable. "I thought maybe you wanted to- I don't know, make out with me? Just try it, maybe you'll like it." The booze on his breath makes me think he isn't exactly in the best state to be hooking up with. Who knows where his hands might end up.

"No, I'm good" I shake my head. "Oh, come on." he places his hand on my leg and move away again. "Mike, she said she's good." Anna pushed him off of me.

He looked at both of us and finally acknowledged our seriousness. He then put up hands and stood up. "Fine whatever, your loss."

Claire was too busy making out with some guy to notice what just happened.

I was sulking in my seat so Anna decides takes my hand and pull me up to dance with her just as 21 Guns comes on.

I decide to let loose and sing along because Anna's free spirit just rubbed off on me. She just always seems like she hasn't got a care in the world, whether she's at school backtalking to the teacher or dancing on top of a table. She doesn't care about what anyone thinks of her and that's why I love being her friend.

Meanwhile, everyone else was having a great time as well, dancing along to the music, drinking, until someone got a phone call. From what I heard, the guy's mom found out about the meetup and called everyone's parents so we were totally busted.

I immediately grabbed my stuff and said my goodbyes because if my mom got the call then I would be in a tremendous amount of trouble.

Almost everybody dispersed but a few stayed behind, who didn't really care, including Anna.

It was getting dangerously close to my curfew so I drove home quickly. As I pulled up into our driveway, I noticed the lights were on in the house so I could already foresee my fate.

I walked up to the door and took a deep breath, to prepare myself. When I walked in, I tried to find the light source that was seen through the window and it led me to the kitchen, where my mom and dad were awaiting my arrival, sipping tea.

"Where on Earth have you been young lady?" my father asks in his usual stern voice without taking his eyes off his tea.

"Nowhere, I went over to Anna's house after dance, daddy." I cross my hands behind my back.

"Oh goodness, did you go out like that?" mom stands up and approaches me.

I look down at my dance clothes and back up at her. "You're in a very tight and low cut tank top and you're wearing - yoga pants?" she motions to my outfit.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to change at the studio" I shrug. My mom sighs and shakes her head. "This is very irresponsible of you. You know you can't be wearing these kinds of clothes out. Dressing provocatively like this will bring you unwanted attention, now go upstairs and change, right this instant" she points to the stairs right behind me.

"Okay mom" I nod and do as she says.

"Wait, Sadie" she calls out before I have to chance to escape. My eyes widen, just as I thought I got away with my lie, my mom tells me to return.

"Yes mom?"

She comes up close to me and folds her arms. "You know, you are very late and it's a school night. When I was your age I listened to my parents, studied hard and came home every day by 9. Your behavior tonight is just unacceptable."

"I know, I'm sorry mom." I try to play cool and just apologize, no need for an argument tonight.

"It's okay, now go upstairs and get to bed" she pats my shoulder.

I run up to my room and close my door behind me. I'm greeted with the same big empty room I grew up in, and spend most of my days in.

Flopping on to my bed I let out a huge sigh I've been holding in all this time. For some reason, out of nowhere, the boy's face pops into my head again as I lay in my dark, cold room.

It brings a bit of warmth to my cheeks for a second but I shake it off.

I just lay, surrounded by my many thoughts, until my eyes slowly close and the worries simply fade away.

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