6. Liberated

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I don't know what's come over me. I've never had such a strong urge to break the rules. That is until I met her. It's like she makes time stand still, as cheesy as that sounds. I'd do anything just to talk to her. Get her name. See her smile. So I've got to figure out a plan to meet her.

The cursed school day returns after Sunday passes and I'm back sitting in the same few seats I always claim as my own. During lessons no matter how hard I try to focus, my mind is always elsewhere. It would be drawn to the smallest things such as how Mr. O'Connel's belt was fraying in one of the belt notches. I notice the little things and although it's strange, it's the little things that make up the beauty in this complex world. You have to at least try to enjoy the little things, otherwise, all that will be left is sadness.

I see her in the halls as we rush by each other to get to class. Though I can't even so much as smile at her for more than second without getting yelled at by all of the teachers. They're like vultures and they're always watching. Everywhere you go, there's always people chaperoning you. Even at lunch, as we all sit in our appropriate seating arrangements, we are watched carefully by the teachers to prevent any funny business. Of course, there are ways around this. This is why we spend time plotting our plans to meet up in secret, without the oppression of societies standards. 

I sat, keeping to myself at lunch while the small talk was exchanged but I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Have you guys ever seen this girl, she's blonde, kinda short, really cute face?" I ask immediately realizing that my description was extremely broad and vague. "I've seen quite a few of those." Jeremy laughs, followed by a small cough. I can tell he's been smoking again. Things must be pretty stressful for him.

"What's her name?" Troy, another guy from our lunch group, asks.

"That's the thing, I don't know." I grip the sides of my lunch tray anxiously.

"I may have seen someone like her at a meetup once, why?"

"No reason." I stick out my bottom lip and shrug. Everyone just laughs it off as strange behavior, but I'm seriously stumped. Lunch dragged on for a while longer but Cameron never showed up. I know he got in trouble last time, but his parents couldn't have been that hard on him. He must just be skipping out on school like he usually does when he gets caught. I'm not sure if I should worry or not.


After school, it's back to my mundane part-time job. Unfortunately, my parents are kinda struggling to make ends meet and I'm 18 anyways, so they've put me in charge of paying for my education.

Which is totally unfair, considering I'm barely making enough to pay for gas with the few shifts I'm working here. But at least work gives me something to do instead of being all alone in my room, finding ways to pass the time. Thought it never works, time still goes by so slow. Especially when I was mopping the studio floors making sure they glistened like the sky on a starry night. 

Thankfully my boss was nice. She was a girl but she was always strictly professional and never spoke to me unless completely necessary. The only conversation topics would be orders for me to complete and paycheck related inquiries.

I was just about finished for the day as I was cleaning the final main hallway which has seen the worst after being trampled by countless dance students during the day. As I mopped I glanced in all of the empty rooms, making my way down the hall when I accidentally peered into one of the dance rooms. It was in use.

I walked past, thinking nothing of it, until a light went off in my head and I retraced my steps back to the brightly lit room. I saw the girl, dancing as the teacher watched attentively, judging her every move.

This is the first time I ever saw her dance, and it completely took my breath away. I rest my chin on my hands as I leaned on the mop handle. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. The way she moved her body with such precision and technique.

The passion and dedication she had was unreal and you could tell by her face that she was giving it her all. Every move had so much heart. She danced with her whole body and her soul too. It was so elegant, so liberated, so beautiful.

I came to the realization that I had been staring for a few minutes now and I instantly straightened up and grabbed my bucket of soapy water.

After I rapidly finished cleaning and signed out for the night, I ran into the changeroom which was basically a storage closet with a bench but nonetheless, and got out of my uniform and into my regular street clothes. I had never changed with such speed in my life.

I rushed out into the completely dark hallway and gave a quick look from left to right before scurrying outside to catch up with her. As I push through doors, hoping she didn't already leave, I gain a sense of relief seeing her walking out on the way to her car.

I calmy head over to her and accidentally startle her with my frantic attempt to get her attention. "Hey, didn't mean to scare you," I say trying to catch my breath. Her chest rises as she stares at me expectantly. I could tell she was anxious and very nervous being out here with me, but I, on the other hand, wasn't scared at all. All I knew was that I wanted to see her, and when I want something, I gotta have it.

"Look, I'm sorry. I don't know what you want," she says innocently.

"Why do you always apologize for everything?" I am curious.

"Because it's something I have to do," her eyes meet with mine for a minute but she looks away timidly once she realizes my attention is on her. We were surrounded by total pitch black darkness. Nothing but a single street lamp above our heads and we just stood there together. "You just need to leave me alone, okay?" she says sincerely, trying to sound as polite as possible. But she talks as if she's scared to say how she really feels.

"I can't," I say honestly.

"Are you trying to get me in trouble?" 

"No, of course not. I just wanna know your name. That's all", I smile kindly. She looks around for peering eyes. "Why do you want to know so bad?"

"It's not that hard, I'll start. Hi, I'm Eli. Nice to meet you," I reach out my hand for her to shake but she steps back. I frown slightly and retract my hand as she shakes her legs nervously.

Just before I thought she was going to leave, she reaches out her hand for me to shake instead. I grab it without a second thought and smile softly. 

"I'm Sadie."

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