Chapter 6

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I'm back y'all I just like writing this so much


Carefully, as to not make a sound, I tiptoed out of my room in Mr. Urie's house, glanced over at his door to make sure he wasn't awake, and then ran. I dodged through the halls letting the pads of my feet take over, as they only allowed for the small sound of skin against wood to reverb into the open space. I raced through his home until I was sure that not a single soul was near, and that Mr. Urie would not hear me and wake from his slumber.

I could not forget the primary reason I had stayed awake tonight. The very important cause of my impending sleep deprivation. I wanted — more like needed — to figure out what that man does for a living. I had many reasons for going out of my way to obtain this information: I did not feel entirely safe if he had a reason not to tell me, my goal was to uncover his secrets, and I was terribly curious.

Entirely sure I could find clues, I went hall by hall opening door after door. This house surely could not contain as many bedrooms as his other one: there was no need as he never threw parties here. Each room, I assumed, was for storage, but I was sorely mistaken when I discovered many rooms he had never told me about.

I found a small library with an abundance of shelves all over filled with books. Next to it was a reading nook filled with plants and a small water fall that was part of the wall and lined with stone, each detail for further relaxation. In this large house he also had many rooms specialized for certain activities, such as a chess room and an art room. There was also a small bowling alley and a few of the classic arcade games. I smiled as he had my favorites. Good taste. The rooms seemed to be recently used, and I doubt Mr. Urie would use any of these rooms except the library and reading nook, so it was very apparent he let his employees use these rooms when he didn't need them for anything. Sounds like a good job: get payed a lot of money to bowl all day.

However, I soon came to realize that these rooms weren't helping me in my quest to discover Mr. Urie's profession, so I moved on, quickly peeking into rooms to guess if they would be of any help to me or not.

Soon, though, I came across a hall of small storage closets. I feared I would find something similar to the last item I found in a storage closet at his house, but I forced myself to trudge on. I poked my head into closet after closet, in most finding nothing but chairs, unwanted items, and clothes that no longer fit Mr. Urie. A few of the mentioned clothing items made me laugh, as it seemed he dressed just as formal as a child.

Slowly, I crept up on the storage closet that looked very similar to the one I had found the photo of Brendon and I in. I knew the photo had been thrown in the trash, but I was scared that I would find something else unpleasant hidden in that closet.

Hastily, I threw open the door and took a look inside. A similar looking picture frame was sitting in the same spot as the one that contained the photo of Mr. Urie and I, but this time it was standing upright, and the photo was of Mr. Urie and an older man. He could not have been much younger than he is now, as the photo both looks modern and Mr. Urie's face does not look an younger. But the man with him looked slightly similar to him despite the wrinkles and moderately gray hair.

After many moments of studying the picture, it finally hit me that this man could be Mr. Urie's father. He always spoke of his father like he was a distant memory, and even mentioned obtaining inheritance from his father. That shouldn't usually happen unless his father is dead, but his father looks rather young to have died so soon. . .

I decided this was a good room to search. I found drawers and opened them, finding trinkets like music boxes and snow globes that all seemed to be beautifully crafted yet home made, and I found more of Mr. Urie's clothes as a child. After searching drawer after drawer and only finding useless home made trinkets, I opened one that had a paper over the contents.

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