Part II: Chapter 7

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Every time I gain a follower, reader, or vote I cry a little. Thank you guys so much :,)

I gathered the last ounce of courage I had left and stored in deep within me, not wanting to waste it so soon. These girls around me were fighting for my life. I didn't want to let them down.

Briefly, I had brought up the topic of a more direct approach. Sitting in this remote household in the middle of the woods has done nothing for us except drive us insane.

"What if I turn myself in?"

All three girls had turned to stare at me, mouths agape. They shot back reasons why that would absolutely not work, and I agreed with them, but it is the easiest way to get this situation done and over with.

I began to speak again, silencing their yelling. "I don't intend to die. I just thought maybe it would speed up our whole process and end with us fighting head on. You know, instead of waiting here for another month or two for god-knows-what to happen."

Despite this, they still rejected the idea. None of us had come up with a better one.

The past few days had been endless rummaging through Dallon's documents, endless scrounging for a plan, and endless days of anxiety. We knew it would be better to do something sooner rather than later, but it never became apparent what exactly we needed to do.

Any thoughts of running to Brendon were almost immediately shot down. He was not only easy to track, but came with a lot of maids and butlers which could possibly get caught up in the turmoil. I knew, as a child of one of them, I did not want that to happen.

My idea of facing the government head on, or anything similar, was also shot down.

Other than wait out the rest of our lives forever in Base Amber, we didn't have many other options.

"At this point," Emma remarked humorously, "we almost have to find Dallon before he finds us."

Lexi let out a dry laugh.

I stood up and began to pace. "I think. . . that's not so bad of an idea."

Emma crossed her arms. "Here comes another one of [y/n]'s suicidal plans." She leaned forward. "Do you want to get all of us killed?"

"No, no! Of course not. It's just. . ." I paced some more, thinking about my next words. "If we were to get Dallon alone, and somehow without all of his equipment, maybe we could talk to him?"

This time, even Meagan interjected. "Talking to the person who's trying to kill you never works."

"I know," I said. "But we don't have many other options here. We could call him, or we could meet him somewhere that's not Base Amber."

"Call him?" Lexi questioned. "I'm sure he has plenty of resources to figure out where we're calling from if we call him directly."

"But. . . What if we don't call him directly," I thought aloud. "We drive to, maybe, another place far away from here. Buy a disposable phone. Call him. And as soon as we're done, discard it and get the hell out of there."

Emma stood up and looked me eye to eye, her mouth in a tight, thin line. "And what would we accomplish by talking to him, huh? It's difficult to negotiate with someone so invested in what they're doing that they renounce their own parents."

"A bond."

Lexi, Meagan, and Emma all looked at each other like I was crazy.

"If we can get him to trust us or even sympathize with us. . . maybe we can change his mind."

"Change his mind about what?" Meagan asked.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I didn't know how well received this would be. "About his parents."

The room was filled with a strange silence. It was awkward, but more-so tense and strange. They seemed to be contemplating whether or not I needed to be sent to a mental institution.

"But that's. . . that's near impossible!" Emma shouted. "The man has spent his whole life being brainwashed into believing that he serves for a righteous cause. How are we supposed to change that?"

"I'm not sure, but I know it's possible. We can ask Brendon for help, too!"

Lexi and Meagan gave each other nervous glances before Lexi spoke up. "[Y/n], I know you're desperate, but I really don't think this is a good idea. And what do we do if Dallon suddenly switches to our side? They'll just have another person after us."

I gave her a smile.

Emma gasped.

Lexi and Meagan looked at her. "What?"

"If we can somehow convince Dallon to convert to our side. . . He's the last person the government would expect to do it." Emma sat down, thinking intently.

"And," I sat next to her, "he has access to the government building and weapon storehouses."

Emma and I looked at each other.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She asked.

"Definitely." I responded.

We stared at the other two with excitement, waiting for their opinion.

Hesitantly, Lexi leaned forward. "Oh, fine! I don't have much of a choice, here, do I?"

Meagan sighed and shrugged. "Neither do I. Let's do this."

I cheered loudly.

Finally we had a plan.

Thanks for reading!

What do you guys think is going to happen next??

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