Chapter 14

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So um yeah Brendon gave us the panic! museum. . .

My favorite quote from it was "Prohibition! at the Disco"

also I saved all the drink recipes

When Lu woke me up the next morning for school, there was no sign of Brendon.

He hadn't knocked on my door to check up on me while I was taking a shower and changing, not in his room when I peeked through the crack in his ajar door, and nowhere in sight as I walked to breakfast.

My last strand of hope lingered as I hesitated to walk out of the door that day. I waited for Brendon to come down the staircase and wish me a good day. I waited for him to appear behind me and tease me.

But he never did, and I felt oddly empty. He always found a way to see me and tick me off, but he didn't today.

My father didn't come to see me off, either. He always made sure to see me in the morning.

I walked out of the mansion, the only human contact having been with Lu.

The limousine drove me off to school, my hands timidly caressing the leather seat, feeling the grooves and cold texture on the pads of my fingers. I let the icy temperature of the skin-like fabric slowly dissipate, replaced by the warmth of my body heat.

For the seat to become warm, my hand had to become cold.

That fact felt too close to my reality.

The luxury vehicle pulled up at Grandview Academy, intending for me to hop out and waltz my way up to the front door. However, I was lost in thought, feeling down, and lacking motivation, all in one package. My hand lingered over the handle but, instead of pulling it open, traced the outline.

"Somethin' gettin' you down?"

I turned my gaze to meet the driver. He was quite old, maybe in his mid 60's, with a beer belly and wrinkled, yet perfectly groomed, hands. He and I were separated by a plexiglass screen with holes gathered in a spot near the top, his voice barely making it through.

"Um, sorry. I'll get out." I assumed he had only spoke to give me a hint to leave. He most likely wanted to go back to whatever he had been doing previously.

I opened the door half way when he spoke again. "Is it 'bout the boss?"

I sat back down, door closed. "How did you know?"

"S'not hard ta tell. Couldn't have been anyone at yer school; yer dad tells me ya got a good group o' friends. Urie tells me yer doin' good with 'em, too."

"You talk to my dad?" I perked up, interested. "But wait, aren't you supposed to call him 'Mr. Brendon'?"

The white-haired chauffeur let out a heavy, throaty laugh. "Off with the rules, missy. They don't matter much anyway."

I let my lips spread into a smile. "I like you already. How come you've never talked to me before?"

The driver let his teeth show with his grin. "Never had anythin' to say. Anyway, if it's about Urie, I wouldn't worry 'bout it."

My lips pursed in confusion. "What do you mean? Isn't the fact that it's about him more reason to worry?"

He waved a hand dismissively. "I can't tell ya much, miss, but trust this ol' man on that."

"Okay, I will. . . um. . ." I fell short on his name, which I never received.

"The name's Arthur. And don't worry yer pretty little head about that rich homebody. A man is not somethin' to get ya down."

"Thanks, Arthur." I finally had the ambition to open the car door and step outside, but not before smiling at his last words.

"Ya can talk to me if ya need anythin', 'kay?"

School went by slowly, and minutes inched by slower than hours. I spent most of the day swarmed with thoughts of what had happened the previous night, and the words Arthur spoke to me.

But I knew Brendon couldn't ignore me forever. My room was across the hall from his. Not only that, the party was inching closer with every day.

The second Saturday of December was nearing. While seconds felt like minutes in this school, weeks felt like days.

That party will be soon, and there won't be much room for him to avoid me.

After school, I intended to slide back into the limousine, greeting Arthur and chatting with him on the way back to the Urie mansion.

When I finally made it to the limo, though, Arthur wasn't the one driving. The new chauffeur was a young man, maybe Brendon's age, who not only was attractive, but had a charming smile.

I hadn't found myself interested, no. Rather, I was thoroughly confused. "Where is Arthur?" I asked, addressing him up front about it.

"Mr. Brendon assigned a different driver to escort you to and from school."

"And your name is?. . ."

"Brett, nice to meet you."

I had more than enough energy in me to stomp my way directly up to Brendon's room and demand an explanation as to why he switched my driver from funny, kind, and understanding Arthur to this young, handsome, polite man who reminded me too much of Brendon himself.

Well, Brendon when he was in public, anyway.

That was besides the point. Arthur and I had started to bond, and I intended to keep that bond. He was a kind man willing to talk to me. Brett was stiff and moved like a robot, as if every action he made was under some command. He was obedient entirely to Brendon and would not talk to me about my issues, whatsoever.

Brett wasn't a bad guy, per se, I just much preferred Arthur.

Brendon's room, however, had no trace of him. The boxes had been moved out, his desk cleared off, and his bed made to perfection.

"Are you looking for Mr. Brendon?" Lu asked, appearing from Brendon's bathroom. "I'm afraid he's not here."

"Do you know where I can find him, Lu?" It seemed she had been cleaning when I arrived, bleach and a sponge in hand.

"I'm afraid he is not in this household. He made his way to his second mansion in preparation for the party." The woman bowed respectfully.

"Ugh, thanks anyway, Lu." I tried my best to make it clear I was not irritated at her, but rather myself. I hadn't quite grasped why I wanted to talk to him after how he had treated me last night.

But he hadn't been too bad, had he?

No, he threw me back into my room and refused to listen to what I had to say. That was not a "polite rich boy" attitude.

I continued to push the thoughts away. Pushed away all of the worries. All of the confusion. All of the was I not good enough for him? anxiety.

Because if anything, he wasn't good enough for me.

And I would make that clear to him.

Hope you liked this chapter!!

I'm thinking about having the party two chapters after this one. Should I wait longer or continue as planned?

Also thank everyone reading this for 1k votes like what??? I didn't think this book would make it to 1k honestly. Thanks so much, I love all of you way too much *insert a dozen hearts*

Please vote and share if you enjoyed <3

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