Chapter 3

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"No, Ben."
" Come on Anna, please? Others already joined Snoke."
"You say that like its a good thing, Ben!"
"If  you don't they will kill you! I just don't want that to happen!"
The two children are in the woods, arguing." Listen Anna, they are coming now! If you don't-" there was the crunching of leaves and twigs. " Anna run!" The girl ran as fast as she could, panting. Rain started drizzling down soaking her. She was a young girl, blonde with hazel eyes. She ran dodging logs and trees. Then she was tripped , she screamed. She wasn't tripped, a light saber had swung at her, not a tree branch. Just at knee level. One of the others, turned around and went to her. Light saber raised to kill, but then the most unlikely thing happened. The one that had warned her, that was against her, had told them,"Don't! Snoke said she may be persuaded."

He helped her up, and put one arm around her. He helped her walk back to her father." We'll tell them..... That it was an accident. That you... Had..had your light saber in your pocket." She tried to say. He felt guilty, if he hadn't had to talk to her in the woods this never would have happened. Tears were pouring down the girl's face. Her father wouldn't believe her, but her mother would..... Have. She let out a dry sob. Her mother was dead she couldn't change that. When they were inside the house her father was furious.What happened he had asked, Anna fed him the lie, he knew it wasn't true,but he also knew it wasn't Ben. He also knew Aria would have killed whoever did it.The next morning, she walked with her metal leg for the first time. She didn't want to wear anything that showed her leg. She didn't wear shorts or dresses until many years later.


"Anna!" She heard someone scream. She sat up, she was on cold, sand. Jakku, was her first thought,but what happened? She saw Poe in front of her," Poe!" She said, relived he wasn't hurt. She hugged him not wanting to let go. "Poe, what happened?" "We crashed on Jakku," He said, releasing her. " Leia wants you to look for BB-8, and me to return to the base."
"Alright, let's see if I can do this without getting killed this time." She said, smiling. She took something out of her jacket, a folder with the blueprints of the Starkiller Base. "Take this to Leia, it's VERY important. And try not to die on the way there?" She said as she hugged him one more time as they walked in opposite directions.

She continued to walk towards the town. As she got there, she walked around looking for BB-8. She hated Jakku, even before she had come here. It was too hot and dry. She searched the small flea market for her lost droid. Her mouth was intensely dry and she was sure she was terribly sunburned. Then she heard it, beeping. She looked behind her and saw the orange and white droid." BB-8!" She said happy to have finally found him. She heard the droid beep happily at seeing her. She noticed the girl, " Are you ok?" She said to BB-8 then turned to the girl, " Thank you for taking care of BB-8, um-" " Rey." She said. " I'm Anna."

Then 2 men came from behind them, their hearts set on the droid."No!" Anna said as she punched one in the gut, making him stagger then fall. Rey took down the other one. Then BB-8 started beeping rapidly, so fast Anna only got some of it. "What about Poe's jacket?" Anna said confused, but Rey jumped into action, chasing someone Anna couldn't see. Anna caught up to them mid conversation." Finn?" Anna said." Hey you're that girl that was with Poe." Finn said. " Yup, did you crash ok?" She said smiling. Something caught her eye, storm troopers running in their direction.

Then she heard her worst nightmare, First Order ships. "Run!" Anna said. They all ran with BB-8 at their heels. "Why are they after me?" Rey asked. "They saw you with us." Anna answered. "You're marked." Finn said. "Thanks for that." Rey said sarcastically. "We have to get off the planet!" Anna said. "There's a ship over there!" Rey said as they ran toward it. Finn asked about the other ship. "That ship's garbage," The ship blew up. "The garbage will do." She said. Anna stared at the "garbage" ship, she smirked.They all ran to a ship Anna knew too well.

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