Chapter 4

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They ran aboard, trying to out run the storm troopers chasing them. When they where in the cockpit of the ship, Finn said,¨ We need a pilot!" this thought had just occurred to Anna, when Rey said,¨I'm a pilot.¨ ¨Really!¨ Anna responded. ¨Sorry.¨ she said when Rey sent her a dark look. ¨ They're still after us!¨ Rey said. Anna and Finn immediately ran to the ladder that led to the ships blasters. Anna grabbed a headset that let her talk to Finn and Rey. As she sat down in the seat she heard Finn say,¨ I like this!¨

Anna saw the tie fighter on her radar, she pushed the button. She shut her eyes when the ship exploded. Finn yelled,¨ Wooo!¨ as he shot another tie fighter, but they were getting closer. She heard his blaster lock in place."Damn!" He said." Great." She said to herself. "Where are we going?" She said uneasy as it got suddenly darker. "I'm trying to loose them." She heard Rey say. They were going into the remains of a star destroyer, " If we live through this, I might kill her." Anna thought angry. The ships sides scraped against the walls. Anna winced as she heard it, " Han won't like that," She thought. When they were out, she gave a sigh of relief, any more scratches on this thing, and Han would kill her. She went back up the ladder, BB-8 beeped happily," I know, BB, but we still have a while to go." She told the droid.

Anna sat down in the cockpit by Rey," Today has been a disaster." She said "Why?" Rey asked turning towards her. "I had to go on a mission for the resistance, my cousin works for the First Order. He hates me." She said tired." You work for the resistance?!" Rey exclaimed. "Yes, my aunt is General Leia Organa. "Anna responded. "Really! Does that mean you work with Finn?" Rey asked. Anna looked from Finn to Rey, "We have worked together in the past, yes." It wasn't a lie, Finn helped her and Poe escape from Starkiller Base.Then steam came from behind them in under the grating. "Oh no! Help me with this! Quick!" Rey said. "What happened!"Anna said exasperated from her day. "If we want to live, it's not good!" Rey said rushing to fix this.

"We have to get out of this system they're hunting us down!" Finn said impatiently as he handed Rey a tool. "Where is the resistance base? I need to know to get there. Finn looked at Anna while Rey was bent over fixing the leak. Anna shook her head no(she was smiling, it was funny watching him panic!) , he got himself into this, he can get himself out. Then he tried to get BB-8 to tell her, (he beeped to Rey) " The Illeeniom system!" Rey said." Yup the Illeeniom system." Finn said as he gave BB-8 a thumbs up, who returned it with a lighter.

"Hand me that!" Rey said quickly, as Finn grabbed the wrong tool. "That one, that one, the one I'm pointing to!" He threw her the now correct tool. "Fixed." She said when she reappeared. They all walked back to the cockpit. The lights went out. "What is that?" Anna said fearfully. A red light had appeared in front of the ship. "All our controls are locked." Rey said. Finn got up on the dashboard to get a better look." It's a First Order ship." "What will we do? We're all going to die if that's the First Order! " Anna responded, not eager to find herself with the First Order. "You know that leak you fixed?" Finn asked Rey. "What about it?" She said. "Can you unfix it?"


Her father handed her several green crystals, and the parts for the base she had chosen. He did the same with the other students, but the parts for her base were rare, they were used to make a slightly curved base, to be easier to hold. She held her hand over the metal parts for the base, they slowly fitted into place, creating a perfect lightsaber base. Then she held her hand over the green crystals, they fit together too, finishing her lightsaber. She opened her eyes and smiled, she did it! It was the only thing she was able to do since..... Well she was proud of herself for getting it done . She looked at Ben, he still had his eyes closed and his hand over the crystals and metal. She thought," Hey dumdum! I'm done! I can't believe I finished it!" He kept his hand over the pieces but thought," Awesome! I hope I get done soon." She took that as the nice way of saying shut up.

Later, when everyone was done, the two cousins went to the courtyard, really just a field that separated the Jedi temple and the sleeping barracks. The two ignited their lightsabers, telling each other what they chose."I chose green for the color, and a curved hilt." Anna said still marveling her achievement. "I chose blue and a normal hilt." Ben said. Then a mocking voice called out," I'm surprised both of you didn't pick red." Anna huffed silently, she didn't hate Apollo Maddox, but she highly disliked him.
"Apollo, just stop." Anna said calmly, she couldn't let anything bad happen this time. "What? Don't feel like picking a fight today?" Apollo said.

"Apollo." She warned, she wouldn't get angry, but she knew someone that would, "Well I'm just saying, Darth Vader had a red lightsaber- " and that's all it took, and Ben and Apollo were in a fight. One time after another Anna learned it was just easier to get her dad. She ran across the courtyard to the temple, "Dad, it's happening again." Her father quickly followed her to the scene of the fight. She went back to the barracks she shared with her father, she didn't need a repeat of every time this happened. She could quote him now,"You both know that this is not the way of the Jedi.....blah blah blah." She wished Apollo would back off, and so would he.

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