What are Friends For

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 3 months later

Setting: Eli and Maki are having coffee at a cafe

"Ugh Eli I don't think I can take this anymore... I mean Nico sometimes had her mood swings before she was pregnant but I could of handled it, but now it's like she's Godzilla, honestly I would prefer Godzilla than her right now.

"Pft Godzilla that's a good one Maki." 

"AAAhh I have a lot to deal with at the hospital, and then to come home to her mood swings. Eli help me please what should I do?" Maki groaned as she rubs her temples. Eli chuckles at the frustrated red head. "That is one of the symptoms that comes with pregnancy. Well in Nico's case it just triples hehe." 

"Not funny Eli." Maki said while glaring at her.  

"Okay okay I'm sorry. It's just funny watching you overreact to this. I had to go through the same thing with Nozomi. I guess it's different for you and Nico because your both so stubborn."

"Hey I'm not stubborn." Maki said while crossing her arms and turning her head. 

 "Good  grief two stubborn people that decided to marry each other and now with a baby on the way. I feel like this is some sort of horror/drama type of movie." Eli thought to herself. "Alright how about you two take a vacation. You've been working too much and I'm sure Nico is tired of being cooped up in the house all day. Take a break from work and just focus on each other. Come on give it a try Maki."

*sigh* Maki rubs her temples still slightly frustrated. "Ugh fine you're right, you're coming with me also." 

"Huh why am I getting dragged into this?!" 

"Because if I have to suffer so do you." 

"I'm not going." Eli crossed her arms. "You will if I tell Nico to invite you guys. You know that Nozomi is her best friend she wouldn't hesitate in a second to ask her." Maki said with a evil grin while twirling her hair. "You wouldn't dare Maki." "Oops looks like I already told her. She just replied to my text. You should being getting a phone call from Nozomi any minute now. Eli's phone rings. "Pft Eli I think you should answer that it might be important." Eli looks at her phone and sees Nozomi's picture. She gulps and presses the answer button slowly bringing the phone to her ears. 


"Elichi!! Guess what?"

"What is it Nozomi?"

"Nico invited us to go on vacation with her and Maki. I can't wait to go to the beach!"

"B-but what about the twins?"

"Don't worry about it we'll get a babysitter."

"But I have to work and yo-"

"It's summer break and and you can just take some days off Elichi."


"No more buts we're going Elichi. Bye I love you" *click*

"Wait Nozomi? Nozomi. *sigh* Maki I'm going to kill you." Eli said while giving Maki a sharp glare. "Hey didn't I tell you if I suffer you have to suffer too. As my best friend you should know that my pain is also your pain." "Fine but you owe me for this." "No problem!" 

"So when are you and Nico going to find out what the gender of the baby?" "Next week. My mom is doing the ultrasound and I think she's more excited about this pregnancy than me. Eli laughed because she knows how Maki's mom is. "Well it's her first grandchild of course she's going to be happy." "I know but geez she's already buying a ton of things for the baby and I know when she finds out the gender she's going to go on a shopping spree. I feel sorry for my Dad's wallet." "Don't your mom have her own money?" "Yea but she prefers to spend his money." "Haha I know how you feel my mom was the same." "Are you excited to find out?" "Well yea I guess."

"What do you want a boy or a girl?" "Hmmm it doesn't matter as long as their healthy." "I wanted a boy and of course Nozomi wanted a girl, but it seems like both of our wishes came true hehe." "Well whatever you have just be prepared for the first few months of sleepless nights, A LOT of dirty diapers, puking, crying oh God the crying was nonstop. Oh and don't get me started on-"

"God dammit Eli!! Damn you're worse than Nico right now." *gasp* "How rude.. you know that really hurt Maki." Eli said while wiping away a fake tear from her eye. "Alright I'll buy you lunch as an apology." Eli looked at Maki with puppy dog eyes *sigh* "God....And a slice of chocolate cake. Are you happy now Eli. Damn those eyes always get me." "Yes!! You know me so well. "Yeah yeah just hurry up and order I have to pick up some sweets for my pregnant wife. I don't want her to have a meltdown like the last time."

"Nico I'm home." "Welcome home Maki" "Here I brought you home some sweets." "Aww thank you Maki." She wraps her arms around Maki's neck and gives her a kiss. "Wait what do you want?" Nico said backing up and crossing her arms. "First the vacation then the box of sweets hmmm seem like you want something. Is it because we haven't had sex in a while? Geez Maki you're such a sex maniac." "What no!! I just think we should take a vacation and relax until the baby comes. I love you Nico." "Even though it has been a while since we last did it." 

"Aww I love you too. Come on we can eat these while we watch a movie."

2 Weeks later(Nico is 17 weeks pregnant)

 "Alright so today is the day we find out what you're having Nico aren't you excited!" "Mom I think you're more excited than we are." Maki said looking at her overly excited mother. "What today is the day I find out what gender my grandchild will be." "Anyways mom could we get on with this." "Alright Nico pull your shirt up a little so I could put the gel on. It's going to be cold but don't worry." Maki mom places the gel on Nico stomach. "Oh it's so cold." "Yea sorry about that. Alright let's take a look at my grand baby. Nico grabs Maki hand, interlocking their fingers and smiles at her. "Alright here's the head and then the hands. Now moving down lower. It looks like we're having a.....

Sorry for this Cliffhanger. I'm determine to be the Queen of Cliffhanger Lol Please don't hate me for this. See you guys next week for the gender reveal. Let me know what you guys think they're having!!! Also if there are some mistakes please tell me so I can correct them.

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