Letting Go

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 After a long day at the beach, they arrived back at the beach house feeling tired but also happy because of all the fun they had not having to worry about work or kids, just each other like the old days.  Nico and Maki were in their bedroom, cuddling on their bed. After a long day of fun at the beach with friends, they had no more energy left. They laid on the bed cuddling each other. Maki's hand on Nico's stomach, rubbing her wife's baby bump and enjoying the peaceful time she and Nico had with each other. She knew she had to tell Nico about Riko. The sooner she told her the better. She didn't want to hide secrets from Nico. She will find out anyways which would make the problem even worse. 

   "Ummm.. Nico I have to tell you something." Maki said while still rubbing Nico's baby bump. 

"Maki we're not having sex tonight. I'm too tired."

Maki scrunched up her face in annoyance. It wasn't what she was going to ask for but not being able to have sex with Nico whenever she wanted was slightly annoying her. "That's not what I was going to say." Maki said with annoyance in her voice. Jeez it's not all the time I think about sex. 

"Okay so what it is?" Nico asked looking up at Maki.   

Maki closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Uh.. when Eli and I went to go and get the drinks earlier, we ran into someone from my past."

"Okay is that it?" Nico said staring at Maki confused. 

"N-No... please don't be upset with me. I just want you to know that I didn't plan any of this." 

"Just tell me already Maki!" Nico was now becoming slightly frustrated.  

"Okay okay please calm down. I met my ex today, Riko, and she wants to meet with me tomorrow to discuss something with her. I don't know what she wants to talk about and she didn't give me enough time to decline her offer." 

Nico rubbed her temples in frustration. She didn't know whether to be upset, because of Maki's ex showing up, or happy because Maki chose not to keep this a secret from her. "I'm going with you tomorrow." Nico said. 

"Wha- N-Nico! It's fine. I can handle it and also I don't trust Riko. I don't want her to hurt you or the baby." 

Nico sat up, so she was sitting face to face with Maki. She looked into Maki eyes, giving her red headed wife a serious expression. "Look Maki just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm weak. We've been together for ten years. Which means your problems are my problems and vice versa. Whatever Riko wants we will go there together and discuss whatever it is with her together. Stop trying to do everything by yourself. You have me to rely on. Also I don't know what that girl is planning but I'll show her not to mess with Nico's family." Nico said. 

Maki chuckled at her wife's last statement. Nico may be small but you should never underestimate her. She looked into Nico's eyes, smiling "How did I get so lucky?" 

"Well duh! You married the great Nico Nico Nii. The greatest idol in the universe." Nico said doing her Nico Nico pose. 

Maki smirked, pulling Nico closer to her and placing a quick peck on the her lips. "I love you Nico." She said giving Nico another kiss. 

Nico placed her arms around Maki's neck. "I love you too Maki. You're so smart but you can be really dense when it comes to simple things. 

"Jeez I'm trying my best." Maki pouted. 

"I know but I still love you my cute dense tomato wife." Nico gave Maki another kiss. It was more passionate and lasted longer. 

Nico broke the kiss first, panting really hard as she tried to catch her breath. "So are you still too tired to have sex tonight?" Maki asked, smirking at Nico while rubbing her fingers across Nico's back.

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