Chapter Thirty-Three

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Landyn's Point Of View

No matter how many times I look at Elly she doesn't cease to amaze me. Her petit figure fits so well next to mine and her pale skin is so perfect. She is asleep next to me and I am holding her in my arms, something I never thought I would do again. When I was watching her when I was dead it nearly tore my heart out seeing her cry. I wanted to wipe her tears and kiss her, telling her it would be okay. She was so strong, she took care of the pack. She was alone, even her wolf left her. Seeing her sob over my grave was the hardest thing for me to see. When she told me she found the wedding ring I felt a pain so acute, it didn't compare to anything else. I never would marry her. We never would complete the bond. We never would have children. We never would grow old and die together. We never would be mates. When she died I felt agonizing sadness. While I wanted to be with her I didn't want her to die. She deserved life, life that I couldn't give her. She deserves happiness that the world has never know. She deserves the world, and yet all she has gotten is sadness and pain. Looking down at her peacful face I know I would do anything for this girl, and I already had. I had died for her, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I love her, and I can't say it enough. Her eyes flutter open and she sighs in relief when she finds me.
"I'm afraid I will close my eyes and you will be gone again." She whispers. I hear the fear and sadness in her voice.
"Never, I am here again. And I won't be leaving." She smiles, relief shining across her face.
"I can't wait to see Avril and Brad's face." She murmurs. I smile and hug her close to me. I sniff her neck and she relaxes in my hold.
"I love you," I whisper.
"I love you too." I tuck her head under my chin and close my eyes.
"It was meant to be a surprise, the ring." I whisper.
"I know, but you heard my answer."
"No, I want you to have a real proposal."
"A real proposal?" She asks pulling away. "You're here, that's all I need."
"I know, but I want to make it special." She rolls her eyes and laughs.
"You're just as stubborn as I remembered." Her voice is happy and light. "Was it always cold and white, in heaven or wherever that was?" She asks her voice taking on a sad tone. I nod grimly.
"It was cold and it was empty. All I could do is watch you. Watch you cry and mourn over me. It was awful, but I came back to you." I whisper taking her hand.
"You came back to me." She says smiling. "I'm hungry," she says holding her growling stomach.
"I know, your barely ate. You're so skinny." I say taking her into my arms again. She hugs me back and I let go standing up. I take her hand and lead her out of our room. I hear a glass fall behind me. I turn and see Avril standing behind me. The glass she was holding is on the ground, smashed. The water that was once inside was splashed across the floor. Elly let go of my hand and stepped aside, allowing me to reunite with my sister.
"Landyn?" She asks taking a step back.
"It's me little sister." He whispers. I hold out my arms and she hugs me sobbing into my shoulder.
"Your back!" She yells. She pulls away and wipes her tears. "I can't believe it, you idiot!" She says smacking my shoulder.
"Thanks, smack your reincarnated brother! Celeste was able to bring me back." I say hugging her again. She starts to cry again and hugs me tighter.
"You don't know how bad I missed you!" She screams. A door opens and brad comes out rubbing his eyes.
"Avril, shut up! do you know how-" he stops abruptly when he sees me. "Landyn? Am I still asleep?" He asks taking several steps back.
"No, I'm back." I say smiling. Brad looks surprised and I hold out my arms. "Come give your best friend a hug!" I say. He doesn't waste another second before hugging me.
"Celeste brought you back?" He guesses.
"Yeah, I saw everything. Thank you for taking care of Elly, it means a lot to me." He smiles.
"Elly is like the little sister I never wanted."
"Watch it Brad, Eden came back this morning." Elly says stepping beside me. I wrap my arm around her and take a deep breath. Her small figure, dwarfed farther next to mine, made my heart soar. I thought I would never see her again.
"Eden? I thought she was dead."
"So did I," Elly said hugging me. "She said she was in a coma." I nod.
"Wolves usually can't take the death of their mate. Since your wolf is so strong she must have pushed herself into a coma so she didn't die."
"I was so scared." Elly whispers.
"You don't have be afraid anymore." I say hugging her, she looks up and I kiss her. I hear Avril squeal and Brad groan.
"Get a room!" Brad says groaning.
"Maybe we will." Elly says crossing her arms over her chest in a mocking way. I laugh at how cute she looks.
"Did my sweet innocent mate just say that?"
"I believe I did," she said mocking my surprised tone. I shake my head and wrap my arms around her.
"Now that I have you I will never let go." I whisper.
"I won't mind." She says back.

Sorry for the late update, I have been really busy with finals! How happy were you to finally be back in Landyn's PoV? Comment, vote, and check out my other stories!

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