Chapter Seven

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Elly's Point of view

Landyn left to take care of some pack business leaving me alone. I sat in the edge of the bed swinging my legs. His bed was so tall that my feet barely touch the floor. The door knob turned and my head snapped to the side, my eyes going wide. The door swung open and there was a man standing there, he looked about the same age as Landyn. His eyes went wide, before rage settled into them.

"I don't know how you got in here, but it doesn't matter! I'm going to kill you human!" He spat at me. He grabbed my arm yanking me out of the room. I gasp and fit against his strong hold.

"Landyn!" I screech. I hear loud footsteps and a growl.

"Let her go Titus." I herd Landyn growl.

"She was in your room alpha." He says calmly, still holding my arm.

"I said let her go." He growls, his voice drilling with power. He let me go and pushed me roughly away. I gasp and fall right onto Landyn. He wraps his arms around me and pushes me behind him.

"Who is she?" He asks. His blue eyes widen and he smirks. "She's your mate. Why is she still alive?" He asks. "If you can't do it, I most certainly can." He says taking a step forward. I whimper and hide my face in Landyn's back.

"You touch her and I rip you apart."

"You side with your mate before your own beta?" He asks. "Now, what would the pack think?" He smirks before running away. Landyn growls and runs after him.

"Come back here!" he yells. I gasp and follow Landyn down the hall. I have no choice, I don't want to be alone without him. When I catch up to Landyn I see Titus standing in the center of a large field. There are many werewolves walking outside with curiosity written on their faces.

"Think you all for assembling here on such short notice. You are probably wondering why I have called you here today." Murmurs rippled through out the crowd of people. Looking at them I see there is almost five hundred people. "Your alpha, has found himself a mate." All eyes turned to us and I gasped, shifting closer to Landyn. "He has had a little problem, he can't kill her. He won't like it, but I think we should help free him from the danger of having a mate. Don't you?" He asked his face nearly splitting into two with his wide grin. Landyn angled his body in front of me and I see Shreya and Avril working their way out of the mob of people over to us. Brad steps in front of Landyn narrowing his eyes.

"What are you going to do witch?" A man in the mob asks, baring his teeth at Brad.

"I will not let you kill her!" Brad spits back.

"Elly, get out if here, run!" Landyn whispers to me. I look up at him my knees shaking. "Get out!" He yells. The mob runs foward, all at once and it snaps me out of my stupor. I push my legs to run and I wipe the tears falling down my cheeks. I turn around my see Landyn had shifted, as had many of the people in the mob. His black wolf was mesmerizing he had already taken down many people but he couldn't kill everyone. I stop, staring back at him. I let out a small whimper and I feel someone grab my hand. I jump and see Shreya.

"Lets go!" She yells. She pulls me forward and I pull my hand back.

"Landyn," I whimper.

"There's nothing we can do!" She yells. I turn back to look one more time and see he had taken down more wolves. I nod, more tears falling down my face.

"I love you Landyn!" I yell before letting her pull me away from my mate. I hear a heart broken howl emit from the fight and I close my eyes tighter. I feel something heavy hit me from the side and I hit the ground hard. I open my eyes and see a brown wolf with his jaws poised right above my neck. His drool hanging right above my face. His eyes were pitch black and his snout was wrinkled in anger. He growled and I screamed, only making his eyes light up in primal glee. He opened his jaws and prepared to end my life.

"I'm sorry Landyn," I whisper. I close my eyes ready myself for the pain.


Sorry for the cliff hanger. New update will be soon, also sorry for the long wait. I have been so busy with school. As always vote, comment, and check out my other stories!


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