Chapter Twenty-Three

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Elly's Point Of View

Everything is white and I feel weightless. I see Landyn standing in front of me. His back is turned and I start to run to him.

"Landyn!" I yell. He turn and smiles at me. I run into his arms and he wraps them around me. "Oh my god! I'm finally dead."

"Don't say that kitten, don't ever say that." He pulls away and looks down at me. He pushes my hair out of my face. "They need you, we both know that."

"I need you." I say tears calling down my face.

"I need you too." He whispers. I clung to him as I feel I am being ripped away from him.

"No! Landyn!" I yell. I am ripped out of his arms and I wildly swing my arms trying to grab him. He stands still, staring at me. He gives me a small smile and I see tears falling down his cheeks.

"I love you," he whispers.

"No! Landyn!" I scream.

I jolt awake gasping for breath. I look around and see the concerned faces of Brad, Samson, and Celeste.

"Elly," Brad says sighing in relief.

"Did I die?" I ask Celeste. She licks her lips and stand up from her kneeling position. "Did I die Celeste?" I ask again with more force in my voice.

"Yes, you did. I was able to bring you back." I gasp looking down at my lap.

"So that was really him?" I whisper. I look up at her and she nods. I cover my mouth with my hands and gasp. "I hugged him, and I spoke to him. I didn't tell him. I didn't tell him I loved him." I whisper. I feel her when grab mine.

"He knows, believe me." I look up and see Samson looking at Celeste with wide eyes. She turns to him and smiles.

"I am Celeste, the Moon Goddess." He gasps and swallows thickly. I smile, in his surprised face he looks so much younger. He lowers his head slightly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." He says. "I always knew you were real." He whispered to himself. She laughs and raises his head with her right hand.

"You do not have to bow to me."

"But you are a goddess!" He says shocked. She laughs and shakes her head.

"There are still good ones." She says smiling. She lowers her hand to help me up. I take her hand wipe my wet cheeks.

"Lets get you home." Brad says.

"No, I am going back to the party." I say, Celeste smiles.

"Lets get you cleaned up." She turn to Samson. "Do not tell anyone else about this. You can tell you alpha, I can never make you chose between obeying me and you alpha. But other than that no one else." He nods and she leads me to a bathroom that was across the hall.

"I hugged him." I whisper. She smiles and wets a towel that is next to a sink and starts to wipe my face. The bathroom is amazing, it has gold counters and three sinks next to each other. There are three, what looks like stalls but have walls and a door around them, and shiny good floors. Once she cleaned me up and led me outside and opened the door. Standing outside was Brad.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." He says taking my hand.

"Goodbye Elly, I will see you later." Celeste whispers. I smile and let Brad lead me back to the party.


How happy were you that Landyn was in this chapter? So Elly died, but she saw Landyn. Why did she die? Will she die again? Comment, vote, and check out my other stories!

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