Chapter One

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Queen Belle was walking through the halls of the massive castle she shared with her husband, King Adam. Though many people still referred to him as Beast, Adam was a great ruler. The two have been married for seven years, and they had a three year old son named Ben. Ben, at sixteen years old, would take his place as king.

Instead of a honeymoon, Adam rounded up all the kingdoms of the land and got himself elected King of the United States of Auradon. These kingdoms ranged from Cinderellasberg to Sherwood Forest to Agrabah to the capital city of Auradon. In Auradon, Adam turned an old castle into a high school for the new generation of heroes. This was deemed Auradon Prep. He gave Fairy Godmother the role of headmistress.

Both Fairy Godmother and Adam decided it was best for the people of Auradon to learn how to live their lives without magic; they didn't people to be so reliant on magic. That is why all the magical items of Auradon were placed in the Museum of Cultural History.

What about the villains of all these stories? They were booted off to the Isle of the Lost, where all of the villains were stripped of their magic. Fairy Godmother created a magical barrier to keep the villains trapped there. Many extremes were taken when it came to the Isle. Many villains that had died were brought back to life to face a punishment even worse than death. One thing nobody really considered was what would happen if the villains began having children of their own?

This is what Belle was seeing her husband for. She loved her son very much, so children always had a soft spot for her. The court had just found out that their are a ton of children living on the island. Belle could barely think about what horrible things these kids were going through. Not only were their parents terrible people, but the living conditions on the island were just as terrible.

Belle knocked on the door to her husband's office. "Come in," the booming voice replied. Belle entered and was greeted by Adam. "Belle? What brings you over here? Are you okay? Is everything fine?"

"I'm fine," Belle replied, "but there's others out there who might not be."

"What do you mean?" Adam questioned.

"Is it true that there are children living on the Isle of the Lost?"

Adam took off his glasses. "Yes. It is true. They aren't very old. The children living their are aged five and under."

Belle gave Adam a shocked look. How could children under the age of five even survive in such a horrible place? "They should not be living in such horrible conditions," Belle said.

"What do you suggest we do?" Adam asked.

"I don't know. Maybe bring them over here?"

"You mean, the children of our sworn enemies, living among us?"

"Adam," Belle began, "they're just toddlers. They haven't developed a right from wrong. They don't know better. The Isle of the Lost is no place for a kid to grow up in, and can you even imagine what those children are going through with those people as their parents? Adam remained silent. He hadn't realized how the Isle could have resulted in so many terrible lives children are living. "The children are innocent," Belle continued. "They shouldn't be punished for something their parents did before any of them were even born."

Adam stood up then walked in front of his wife. He hugged her. "We'll talk with the court tomorrow. We'll see what they have to say about the manner. I'm sure we can convince them that the children belong in Auradon. Once everything's settled, I'll send guards over to the Isle to collect the children immediately."

Belle looked at her husband with glittering eyes. She gave him a soft smile. "I'm sure a bunch of people are willing to adopt the children."

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