Chapter Seven

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Evie woke up pretty early the next morning. It was still rather dark out. What woke her up was the vibrating sound of her phone against her bedside table. She reached for her phone with a tired arm before opening it. The brightness of the phone was definitely a shock for her eyes. She was pretty surprised to see a text message from Mal. Mal was never an early bird, so she knew something was up.


Hey, are you awake? If so, can you come to my dorm please? It's really important.


Yeah, be there in a few.

Evie jumped out of bed and got ready for the day quickly. She grabbed her bag, and she was out the door.

"What's got you up so early?" a voice said. Evie turned around to face Belle. "You still have at least half an hour before you have to start getting ready."

"Mal texted me asking if I could go to her dorm," Evie explained. "If it's anything, it's probably that she forgot to do a homework assignment and needs my help."

"Okay, well, if you ever want to talk about what happened last night, just know I'm here."

Evie had practically forgotten what had happened at dinner the night before. She was fine with totally forgetting all of it. Though Belle's heart was in the right place, Evie really dreaded the fact that she just had to bring it up again. "I know," Evie replied. "I'm...fine," she said, not really meaning what she said.

"Okay then. Have a good day."

Evie nodded before hopping on her scooter to meet with Mal.

Evie walked through the halls of the girls' dormitory. Evie sometimes imagined what it would be like to live there like all of the other girls in the school. She approached the door to Mal's room that she shared with Lonnie. Mal had given Evie a key, so she could come over whenever she felt like it.

"Just calm down," Lonnie said to Mal as Evie entered. "I'm sure it's just nothing."

"Nothing?!" Mal exclaimed. "How could you possibly think this is just nothing? T-There has to be an explanation for this!"

"What's wrong?" Evie said, interrupting the girls' conversation.

"This!" Mal said, pointing at her hair. Evie was expecting Mal's hair to be perfectly fine, but there was something different about it. Mal had always had a full head of blonde hair, but today, there were random purple streaks.

"Woah," Evie said, setting her bag down on the ground in shock. "I'm just going out on a limb here and say that you didn't go and get it dyed."

"You think?" Mal yelled. "My mom's gonna kill me if she finds out!"

"You never know. She might not be mad if you just explain that it just happened overnight," Lonnie said.

"Like she would believe that!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It sounded just as panicked as Mal. Lonnie opened the door, and Carlos came storming in.

"Why is my hair turning white?" Carlos asked. The tips of his hair had been turning a silver-white color. "I swear I didn't go and dye it! Woah! Mal, why's your hair turning purple?"

"Why is your hair white?"

"I don't know!"


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