Chapter Seventeen

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It was finally the day all of Auradon was waiting for. It was a coronation day. Today, Prince Ben was to become king. Saying the entire kingdom was excited would be an understatement.

Evie stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom, adjusting the tiara that was placed on top of her head. When her hair started turning blue, she was quite terrified. Now, she was starting to like it. She always loved the color blue. Now, her hair was blue, and she was rather happy.

She, of course, was wearing a blue dress. It had many ruffled and layers to it. Evie liked it that way. Even though she was considered a princess the moment she was adopted, she definitely felt like a princess while wearing her dress. Despite everything that had happened, it felt like nothing could ruin this day.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Hey," Belle said as she entered the room. "Can I come in."

"Yeah," Evie said, putting finishing touches on her makeup.

"Wow," Belle said, taking a look at her daughter. "You look beautiful. Doug is lucky to have a girl like you."

Evie giggled. "Thanks, mom. You look great too."

Belle chuckled. "Come here," she said, opening her arms for a hug. Evie happily went into her mother's arms and embraced her just as Belle did. "Even though today is your brother's day, I want you to have the time of your life tonight. Alright?"

"Okay," Evie replied.

Belle sighed as she still held Evie tightly. "I'm so glad I decided to bring you kids over here. I couldn't imagine what your life would be like if we had left you all there."

"Yeah," Evie said with a sigh. Suddenly, a thought came to Evie. "Did any villains have children after we left?" Evie asked.

Belle looked at her daughter. "I'm not sure. I mean, I don't think they did. There haven't been any reports of children living on the Isle since we brought you all over. Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering," Evie said.

It was then Adam had entered Evie's room. "Wow," he said as he spotted his wife and daughter. "You both look amazing."

"Thanks, dad," Evie said.

Adam smiled. "Come on. We better get going. Don't want to be late for the coronation."

"Especially since you have the crown on," Evie said, motioning to the crown on Adam's head. It was to be passed down to Ben at the ceremony.

"I think it really pulls the outfit together," Adam said, posing to show off his outfit.

Belle and Evie laughed. "I think your father is going to miss strutting that crown around."

"Yeah, totally."

Adam laughed. "Come on. I'm serious. We should really get going." The family laughed as they left the castle.

There was a huge crowd of people and reporters there to document the coronation. It was definitely history being made in Auradon. Ben was the first heir ever. He had a lot to live up to after his father. Saying he was nervous would be an understatement.

Ben rode in a carriage along with Mal. The two waved at the people as they approached the cathedral hall. Mal noticed Ben's nervousness. "Don't worry. Everything will be alright."

"Easy for you to say," Ben said with a laugh, letting Mal know that he was just trying to lighten the mood, "all you have to do is look nice. A crown doesn't make you a king"

"I know," Mal sighed. "I wish I could help you somehow."

Ben grabbed Mal's hand. "You being here with me is support enough," he said with a smile, which caused Mal to blush a little. "I don't think I would want it any other way."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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