Chapter Five

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That night, Evie sat on her bed doing her homework. Ben then walked in to her surprise.

"Hey," Ben said.


"Look, sorry I didn't return home with you after school. Audrey wanted to have a last minute date," Ben explained.

"Don't worry, Ben," Evie replied. "I don't mind."

Ben sat on Evie's bed and they talked for hours. Ben and Evie usually had talks at night to talk about anything. They were very open with each other. Both Belle and Adam suspect it is because of these talks that Evie and Ben are so close. They liked it.

"So," Ben began. "What's this I hear about you having a crush on Doug?"

Evie's head shot up. "W-Who told you?" Evie thought about playing dumb, but she really couldn't lie to her brother.

"Oh, um, Mal in History of Auradon was humming "Evie's crushing on Doug"," Ben said, trying to mimic Mal's voice.

"That little witch," Evie said under her breath.

"Hey, it's not like Doug was there."


"Anyway, can I tell you something?" Ben asked.

"You know you can tell me anything."

"I'm thinking about breaking up with Audrey soon," Ben said.

Though Evie has happy inside, she put on a serious face for Ben's sake. "A-Are you sure you wanna do this? I mean, you seemed to care about her."

"I do care about her," Ben said. "But as a friend. I don't like her the way I did back in middle school. I don't know, but something happened."

"Something?" Evie questioned.

"I just don't feel Audrey is the one."

"Hey," Evie began, "I'll support you no matter what."

Ben smiled at his sister. "Thanks Evie. I couldn't have asked for a better sister. I'm so glad mom and dad decided to adopt you."

"Me too," Evie replied. "I'm glad I have a brother like you."

"Hate to break it to you," Adam said from the door, "but you guys should start heading to bed if you wanna be able to survive school tomorrow without falling asleep in class."

Both teens laughed at their father's remark. "Good night," Ben said as he left.

"Night," Evie replied.

Adam then walked over to Evie and kissed her on the forehead. "Good night my little princess."

"Good night," Evie said as she laid down on the bed. She tucked herself tightly in her bed while Adam turned off the light and shut the door. Some nights, Evie will have a hard time falling asleep, but this night, she fell asleep within the first five minutes.

Evie walked through a dark alleyway. It was weird; she wasn't sure what was going on. She heard the wind blowing mysteriously and laughs coming from different places. Evie looked down, and she was much shorter than she was before. It was then that Evie noticed even her hands and feet were much smaller.

She was wearing a blue outfit that looked like it was made from leather. Though Evie didn't mind the leather, she was confused because her style hardly consisted of leather. Why was she wearing this? Where was she. The blew her hair into her face. However, her hair wasn't it's normal brown color; it was blue.

"This is getting really weird," Evie thought to herself. It was then that she became face to face with a mirror. She was looking at her child self. A part of her knew it was different to what she was used to, but for some reason, it almost seemed like it was familiar.

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