Looking Through A New Light

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I opened my eyes from a good night sleep, or was it good day of sleep?I don't know oh well I sat up in bed and yawned. I looked around everything was still new this is gonna take a while to get used to. I get up off the bed and walk towards the door and on the chair by the door was an outfit it was a pair of ripped jeans and a black  long sleeve t-shirt , as I picked it up I saw a note I picked it up and it read ' I hope this outfit is to your liking and that it fits when you are done getting ready Breakfast is on the table   ~ Cammron.' Uh welp i guess i'll get dressed for breakfast. I slipped the t-shirt on over my head and surprisingly it fit and it was very soft and comfortable, next I slid on the new ripped jeans and they fit as well. I looked at my wrist and saw I still had a hair tie on so I pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I picked up my clothes that I had just changed out of folded them and laid  them on my bed. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the room to walk into the living room to find Cammron sitting at the dinning room table right there waiting for me next to him was a seat with a tea cup full of a deep red liquid, I walked to the seat and sat down. "Good morning " I said " or is it Good night?". He chuckled " Its afternoon almost dark" he said smiling " I see the outfit fit well I'm glad I got the right size". " It is a very comfortable outfit "I replied " Thank you ". I looked at the tea cup sitting in front of me and the hunger I had felt last night returned I was suddenly really hungry. Cammron turned and looked at me "eat "he said "you look hungry ". I turned towards the cup I am really hungry I thought but this is blood I was torn between drinking to get this hunger to leave and the fact this was blood and my morality still considers this inhuman.  I sat down and took the cup I need to adapt to this new life I guess,"Everything is going to have to be looked at through a new light I guess or rather a new darkness" I said with a slight chuckle. He smiled, "yeah it'll take some time to get used to but soon it will become second nature". I lifted the cup to my lips and took a sip, and felt my canines sharpen instantly. I sat the cup down my morality was still telling me this was wrong but of me honestly didn't care and it scared me..." you doing ok?" he asked. I looked at him " I think so I'm just processing whats going on" I replied. "Would you mind answering a few of my questions..?" I asked.

( sorry it has taken me so long to write this much my computer went missing and that is what Im using to write this and then we school starting soon just quiet a bit of stress but i will do my best to keep working on this thank you for your patience :p )

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