Cats are not a Man's best friend

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"Draco" I heard my name from behind a bookshelf

"Hi Mi. What do you need."

"Harry and Ron are convinced you're the heir of Slytherin so they're going to be Crabbe and Goyle for the day using polyjuice potion. Just wanted to let you know. I'm sorry."

"There's nothing you can do about it. Please be safe."

"Will do. Do you have Crabbe and Goyle's hairs?"

"Yes because I carry them around with me everywhere I go."

"Draco, you're so funny it's unbelievable," Hermione retorted sarcastically.

"I don't know how to get them without being suspicious. Maybe trick them with sweets? They love that" I said, trying to be helpful.

"Thanks. I'll try that. See you later." Hermione said and touched my hand.


After the long hour with Crabbe and Goyle, or should I say Harry and Ron, I walked to the library to meet Hermione. I looked and looked but could not find her. I went back to the dorms and saw and owl pecking at the window. It was her owl.


I got a hair off of Millicent's robes but it was a cats. I'm in the hospital wing. Do not worry for I am fine. I miss you. Please come visit when you can.



I dropped the parchment and grabbed my broom. I opened the window and flew to the hospital wing. I found which bed Mi was in and came through the window.


"Hi Draco."

"What have you done to yourself?"

"I'm a cat. Meow." She said with a smile. Only she could turn something so gruesome into a joke

"Do you know how worried i was."

"I told you not to."

"Yeah yeah."

"Draco, Harry and Ron said they would visit at this time so you should go."

"Take care of yourself Mi. When can I see you again?"


"Okay. Bye."

"Bye Draco. Don't get hurt."

"I should be saying that to you." I replied and hopped on my broom. I floated outside the window and listened to the conversation going on within.

"Hi Hermione. Who were you just talking to?"

"No one. I was reading out loud. Thanks for bringing me my favorite books."

"So about malfoy, he's not the heir."

"I thought so. I mean I don't think he's that evil."

"We're talking about Malfoy. He calls you names"

"Yeah but I always say," Don't judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins." I smiled at her way of defending me.

"Bye Mione."

"Bye guys." She said and I swooped through the window.

"I seemed to have forgotten something."

"And what might that be" she said with a twinkle in her yellow eyes.

"This." I kissed her cheek lightly, kissed her forehead, and left.

"Night Malfoy." I heard as I flew through the night back to my dorm.


I poked my head through the window next to hermiones bed in the hospital wing on the first day of classes in the new term.

"Mione?" I asked. I heard no reply so I placed the card underneath her pillow, placed a kiss on her forehead, and left. I had bewitched the card to look like the one Lockhart had given her so no one would see it was from me. Couldn't have that now could we.


It was valentines day when Hermione got out of the hospital wing. I told her she was going to have a special date with me but another attack ruined it. Later in the library, she told me about a diary. I had found it rather fascinating. Riddle. There was something about that name that I had heard before.

Hermione was distant for the rest of the week and she ran to the library one day.

"Malfoy!" She screamed from across the bookshelves. Everyone turned

"What is it you want Granger?" I asked with a sneer. she walked toward me and engulfed me in a hug after we were hidden behind the shelves.

"I'm scared. I feel like the basilisk is coming for me next. I am a muggleborn."

"Basilisk? The fanged creature?"


"That's why everyone's been getting petrified! The Basilisk! but they've been looking in a reflection. that's why no one got killed. Collin, through his camera, mrs Norris looked in the puddle, and Justin by looking through Nick."

"This is why I'm dating you. You didn't even need me to explain it to you."

"Plus the fact that in absolutely stunning and handsome."


"Take this," I said handing her a small mirror,"just in case it comes you won't be looking straight at it."

"Thanks Draco."

"Be safe. I'll see you later."

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