Home Sweet Home

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Draco smirked as his girlfriend wound her arms around his neck from behind him. "Ready?" she asked smiling. Draco turned and grinned at her, stealing a kiss.

"As I'll ever be," he said and put his hood up. Hermione did the same and held out her hand. He took it immediately and they ran off the train quickly.

"They should be in row 7," she said, pulling him through the barrier. He nodded, moving quickly to keep up with her. She let go of his hand and lowered her hood. He pouted slightly causing her to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?"


"Don't laugh at me. We never get to hold hands."

"Oh shush, my parents are right over there. Remember D, first impressions."

"Are the last impressions. Yes, I'm aware. Parents love me," he retorted. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Mum, Dad, this is Draco," Hermione said with a flourish of her hand. Draco smiled politely.

"Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Granger. Thank you for letting me come visit for the next week," he said gently.

Mr. Granger smiled and held out his hand for Draco to shake. "Nice to meet you Draco. Happy to have you. Hermione's told us all about you," he said with a goofy grin while ruffling Hermione's hair. She did not look amused, responding with a huff.

"Draco, how was your year?" Mrs. Granger asked as they settled in the car.

"It was nice. I came 1st in a few of my classes and 2nd in the ones I had with Hermione. Can't ever beat her, no matter how hard I try," Draco answered.

Hermione blushed lightly turning to look out the window. "That's our brainiac," her father said, as he pulled into their driveway.

"I am more than just a brain," Hermione said, opening the door.

"Of course you are my love. But complimenting your brain doesn't take away from any of your other aspects," her mother said kissing her daughter's forehead. "We are so proud of you."

Draco smiled, watching the loving family. Hermione turned and held out her hand for his. "Come on, I want to show you my room." They padded up the stairs and entered the 3rd door on the right. "Welcome to the batcave," Hermione said with a smile.

"Batcave?" Draco asked confused. Hermione rolled her eyes and walked over to the bookshelf, fixing her books and making room for the new ones. Draco looked around the white and blue room. He smiled, seeing the picture of them from the manor on her bedside table, Hermione on his back as they fell onto the ground. Behind the photo was a picture of her family, smiling.

"That was the day I found out I was a witch," Hermione said from behind him.

"Must've been one hell of a day."

"One of the best. Of course, 2 weeks later I met your sorry arse."

"So upsetting that you had to meet a boy of such character," Draco said jokingly, causing Hermione to push him onto her bed. "I see you like green," he said, looking up at the stars on her ceiling.

"They only came in green. They're glow in the dark."

"Glow in the dark?" he asked. Hermione laughed and walked to the light switch, flicking it downward. She heard Draco gasp. "What kind of magic are these?" he asked, very interested.

"It's a muggle thing Draco," she said laying down next to him.

"I appear to be liking more muggle things very day," he whispered, turning to look at her. She smiled softly, snuggling closer to him.

"I love you D."

"I love you more," he replied, moving his head to kiss her softly. She grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling herself up against him. He groaned slightly, wrapping his arms around her waist, moving to lift her slightly.

She pulled away, still looking down at him. He smirked, locking his eye with hers. "I'll say it every time, you have a good mouth on you Granger."

Hermione giggled, resting her head on his chest. "Leave it to you to ruin a perfectly good moment."

"I do what I can," he muttered, leaning up on his elbows to kiss her again. She kissed him back gently. The couple spent the next few minutes talking with their hands interlocked.

"Hermione dear, dinner will be ready in 5 minutes," her mother said from the doorway, causing the two teenagers to look up.

"Sounds good Mum, let me just wash my hands and I'll help set the table," Hermione replied, standing up and walking to the door to her left. "Oh, Draco, I should probably show you to your room."

She walked through the door to the bathroom and opened the door at the other end, showing Draco the guest room. He smiled softly, kissing her forehead. "Sharing a bathroom already Granger," he muttered sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and punched his arm gently.

"Careful Malfoy, I am not one to joke around with."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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