Petty is a Bad Look

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Hermione rolled her eyes as Draco and his friends put their hoods up and tortured Harry about dementors. Draco locked eyes with her and brushed his hand through his hair, cocking his head to the side. She smiled softly and stuck out her tongue. This boy would be the death of her. What an idiot.

Hagrid arrived 5 minutes later and introduced a Hippogriff. It was an interesting creature, beautiful but also brazen. Harry had somehow garnered its trust but Draco, on the other hand, did not.

He was truly an idiot when he stepped up to the animal and thought he would gain its respect. Hermione wanted to yell, wanted to tell him to stop being stupid. She wanted to yank him out of harm's way.

But, instead, her boyfriend had gotten himself scratched by the winged creature. Hermione ran to him, no longer being able to see it all unfold without doing anything. "Hagrid! We have to take him to the hospital wing," she screeched, applying pressure on the cut.

Draco looked up at her, through the hair laying on his forehead. The corners of his mouth turned upwards slightly, seeing his girlfriend worry about him. Hermione's eyes clouded and she blinked quickly, trying to clear her vision. Rather, a tear leaked down her cheek. "Mi, it's ok. I'm ok," Draco whispered, reaching for her. Hermione moved away quickly, allowing Hagrid to pick him up.

"I'm going to go with Hagrid. Make sure everything is straightened out," Hermione said quickly to her two best friends as she picked up her bag and ran after the half-giant. She caught up quickly and looked at Draco in Hagrid's arms. "Malfoy, you really didn't need to do that," she said angrily.

"Oh come off it Granger. That wild animal should have never been introduced to us," he muttered, closing his eyes and holding his wounded arm. Hermione huffed and turned red from anger. Hagrid placed Draco into a bed in the hospital wing and Hermione smiled at him.

"I'll be off then Mione. Feel better Malfoy," Hagrid said as he exited the room. Hermione waved at him as he left and turned, her smile immediately leaving her face.

"How stupid can you be? I thought you had a brain in between your ears! I cannot believe I thought for one second that you could act maturely. What were you thinking."

"The boys dared me. I had to. Saint Potter always does what he wants without consequences," Draco muttered angrily.

"Without consequences? His parents were murdered in front of him! He lives with evil, mean, cruel muggles who put bars on his window. Not to mention his godfather is a lunatic who's just broken out of Azkaban. Harry's entire life has been a series of unfortunate events Draco."

Draco looked up at Hermione and softly held her cheek. "I'm sorry. I'm just a tad jealous it seems."

"I don't see why Draco, you have everything anyone could want in life. Good parents, a nice home, good friends, and the coolest broom on the market."

Draco smiled. "I also have one more thing that Potter doesn't have: you."

"Though I am not an object, you will always have my heart," Hermione said softly. Draco winked at her as he pulled her closer with his good arm.

"I really am sorry. I'll try to keep Hagrid from getting fired," Draco said as he raked his hands through Hermione's poofy hair. "Try some conditioner Mi, it does wonders," he said with a grin. Hermione pouted and narrowed her eyes. Draco half-smiled, kissing her lips lightly. "Kidding. You're beautiful."

"I should be going," Hermione said sitting up and looking at her necklace. "Class is almost over and your friends will be coming to find you," she said softly.

"You could stay. You know they don't care."

"Blaise and Pansy don't care. Crabbe and Goyle would never be okay with any of this. Remember when Blaise brought up that he thought that muggleborn Hufflepuff was cute. They freaked out."

Draco nodded before looking at her in confusion. "How do you even know that? You weren't there."

"Blaise told me. You know they're not just your friends," she said as she picked up her bag. She turned as she heard voices, spotting the Slytherins walking towards Draco's hospital bed. "Well I hope you don't die Malfoy. That would truly be such a misfortune," she said sarcastically as she began to walk.

"The only misfortune is having to listen to you," Draco retorted, receiving chuckles from his friends. Blaise rolled his eyes, fist-bumping Draco. Hermione smiled as she walked down the corridor, her fingers touching her lips. He had never kissed her before.

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