Temporarily Paused

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"Take this," I said handing her a small mirror,"just in case it comes you won't be looking straight at it."

"Thanks Draco."

"Be safe. I'll see you later."

The quidditch pitch was buzzing with noise. It was Slytherin versus Ravenclaw, which was going to be interesting. The game began and Slytherin quickly took the lead.

Draco was hovering in the corner, close to the Gryffindor stands. His eyes scanned the rows of students for his beloved but he didn't see her. She hadn't missed a single one of his matches. Maybe she had to finish up an essay and was running late.

A small golden ball flew by his head and broke him out of his trance. He sped behind it, following the small winged thing. However, just as he was about to catch it, Madame Hooch blew her whistle and called a time out.

Professor McGonagall made her way onto the grass of the pitch and amplified her voice. "The game has been cancelled due to another unfortunate attack. It will be resumed at a later date,"

Groaning could be heard throughout the sea of green but Draco had other things on his mind. It couldn't be.

He touched down in the center of the pitch and made his way through the crowd to see the professor surrounded by his least favorite people. He listened in on the conversation.

"Professor what are you not telling us?" Harry asked.

"Well Potter unfortunately your friend Miss Granger was another muggleborn that was attacked. She is currently in the hospital wing. We are currently reaching out to her family. It would be wise not to visit until later this evening due to the commotion of the hospital wing, in which much could be hidden." the professor said, aware of the student listening in. Draco's eyes widened as he sprinted across the pitch back towards the school. He had to see her.

The blond finally entered the room with beds lined along both walls. He saw his princess frozen in place with a mirror at her bedside. His mirror had saved her. He sat down next to her and held her hand.

"Oh Mi what have you gotten yourself into. I miss you already. Wake up soon so I can feel your warm arms around me. It's going to be dreadful without you. Please come back to me," Draco said, putting his head down on the bed.

"Mr. Malfoy I implore you to leave before it becomes less sparse in here," came a voice from behind him. Draco's head shot up to see Professor McGonagall looking at him. Her face had no emotion but in her eyes she had a sadness. Draco nodded as she turned and left. He stood up and placed a kiss on Hermione's forehead as he headed out.

As he exited the wing, in came the other 2/3 of the Golden Trio. Draco lowered his head to avoid them seeing him and promptly sped back to his common room.

Over the next few weeks Draco felt more sad than he had ever imagined. He was barely making it through the days and couldn't sleep at night without the constant nightmare of his precious Hermione being gone. One night where he couldn't think of sleeping, he went for a stroll and came across a mirror.

As he sat down across from it, he saw his precious Hermione smiling as he put a daffodil behind her ear. She leaned in and kissed him. Draco smiled at the image. He missed her quick wit and above all, the way her eyes scrunched up when she was truly happy. They hadn't kissed yet but he knew that she wasn't ready and he wouldn't push her. He cared for her far too much.

As he sat in front of the mirror and watched the scene unfold eye knew this was what he wanted most in life. And so he came back every night to be reminded of what made him happy.

A week and a half later, Draco sat against the wall once again. This time, he was being watched by a wise wizard who knew the downfall of every wizard was this mirror.

"Mr. Malfoy, I see you have found the Mirror of Erised," Headmaster Dumbledore said. Draco looked up to the see the old wizard holding out his hand for the boy. He took his hand and stood up, facing the mirror. "This is an old relic. It is one of my most prized possessions. But now I must find a new place for it. Because wizards will waste away in front of this mirror and I do not want that to be you."

"Professor, does this mirror show what I want most in the world,"

"Yes Draco. This shows your heart's most wanted dream. Do you agree with what yours appears to be."

"Yes Professor. What I see is what I have always dreamt of. True happiness."

"Well Draco my boy, with your good fortune I expect you will end up achieving that dream. But it does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live. Cherish every moment." Draco nodded and began to exit the room to return to his dormitory. "And, Mr. Malfoy, I believed a certain witch you're quite fond of has finally awoken. Might you want to go pay her a visit?"

Draco turned around with his mouth slightly ajar. "Professor, I have no idea on earth what you mean, but I would love to see the process of waking up those petrified with mandrakes,"

"Yes yes of course. I would never stand in the way of educational pursuits. This way my boy," Dumbledore said with a smile and let the blond boy to the hospital wing. He watched as the boy slowly walked to the brunette and pulled her into a hug. She grasped him tightly and when they pulled apart, she smiled and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Professor Dumbledore took this as his cue to leave. 

Draco touched his cheek where her lips had just been. "I missed you so much Mi. You scared me half to death,"

"I missed you too. I heard you talking to me when I was petrified," she said watching his face. Draco's eyes looked at the ground as his cheeks turned a bit red, "and I also missed your warm arms around me."

Draco smiled and moved to lay next to her, with her small body in his arms. "I have a feeling Dumbledore and McGonagall know about us at this point" Draco said

"Interesting. How do you imagine they found out?" Hermione asked with a smile.

"Maybe it was me being mopey. Or maybe it was the fact that you make me happier and without you I was absolutely a mess." Draco said, kissing her knuckles lightly. "Anyway, I think I should head out. See you in the morning"

"Or you could stay and that way I could stay in your warm arms,"

"Oh so that's why you keep me around?"

"You've figured it out Draco Malfoy." She said as snuggled into him and closed her eyes. Draco smiled and closed his eyes too. That night he dreamt of their future.


Hope you enjoyed. I know they're only in 2nd year which makes them 12/13 so I don't want it to be anything extreme yet. That's why it's more of a young cute love than anything serious.

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