There's Blood On The Couch But It Isn't Mine

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It happened in seconds.

  Dave was poking his nose while he tried his best to nip at his finger. Suddenly, Dave's warmth was no longer on him, or the couch for that matter. Then, he saw it; Dave's brother had him by the neck, pinned against the wall, katana pressed against his wrist to keep him from moving. Karkat wanted so badly to defend his, his human! His human is in trouble and he's just standing there trembling like a fucking wriggler!

  Dave didn't dare move, he could see Dirk's orange eyes filled with disgust. Wait, he could see the outline of bro's eyes through his shades. Shades.
Uh oh, he was in for it. Putting on the best poker face he could, though knowing it was in vein with his red eyes, he stared straight ahead, not daring to look him in the eye.

  "What did I say. About. Your. Eyes?" Squeezing his throat tighter, shortening his breath, he continued without an answer, "or did you forget about my rules while you were having a little fuckin' tickle fight with your mutant boyfriend?" Dave's toes barely brushed the floor now, but his wrists were pinned and he's against the wall. Not to mention his sword is in the kitchen.

   "He's not my boyfriend," he wheezed out. Scowling at the back talk, Dirk delivered a swift knee to the groin, which made Dave choke out, wanting to hold himself. But Dirk didn't move his leg, making sure Dave couldn't block his attack if he decided to give him another.

   "Sure sounded like it. I mean seriously, Dave? Punishment? What did you want me to do? Ignore you guys and let you clean up the mess you would have made on the couch? Come on," the hold around his neck loosened, "really Bro, we weren't gon-" Another knee and Dave decided not to talk anymore.

  "No! You don't get to talk, not yet." He stepped back, keeping the point of his extremely sharp blade on Dave's chest to make sure he doesn't run away. The tension was so thick, Karkat was 100% sure he could even smell it.

  "Meet me on the roof in five," was all he said before he turned to leave.

    Karkat felt it build up inside him, covering every part of him and swallowing him whole. Everything was faded into red, but not Dave's eyes. Full of fear, deep red pools of true fear, Dave's never seen his brother act like that. Karkat knew the feeling, its the same one when he saw Aradia get culled. When she whispered goodbye with her last breath.

    It was Rage.

   Without thinking, Karkat growled as he jumped right at Dirk's face, claws out, ready to kill. But Dirk saw it coming. Without hesitation, he spun around, flash stepped so he was beside an air born Karkat and used all his strength to punch him in the face. With a sharp cry, Karkat landed on the floor with a slap, head hitting the hardwood floor. He tasted blood in his mouth and his jaw hurt like a bitch. Taking a few deep breaths, he opened his eyes, blinking the dizziness away. Towering over him was Dirk, ready to stomp on his face like a bug.

   "Bro, stop!" Dave cried, pulling on his arm as hard as he could. Dirk stumbled but quickly sliced at Dave, knowing he would step back to dodge. Predictable. Karkat got to his knees and crawled away as fast as he could, Dave was buying him time. Dirk turned around to finish what the mutant had started, but he was gone. Turning back to Dave, his lil'Bro put up his fists ready for a fight, though his uncovered eyes kept darting back to the katana in his tight grip. In the blink of an eye, Bro was standing right in front of him, his initials carved into Dave's shoulder. Then he was back where he started, only a few feet away. Dave resisted the urge to hold the cut, hoping it would sooth the pain.

   "Really Dave?" Dirk snickered as he waited for Dave to strike back. But he just stood there, bobbing lightly on his toes, ready to spring into action.

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