The Guilt Of Faliure Is A Product Of Unforgivevness

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   The next few days were full of cuddling, laughing and video chats with John, Rose and Kanaya. Though Dave let Karkat call Kanaya on many, many occasions. Now, a week later, they were laughing at people falling on the internet, mostly humans doing tricks but they had to change the video multiple times because according to society, it was funny to push and trip trolls on the street. Dave loved listening to the grumpy troll's laugh. Not full of sarcasm or hurt, just a genuine laughter and the fanged smile he adored so much.

   "You gonna watch the video or are you going to keep on fucking stare at me?" He smirked. Dave suddenly felt embarrassed, contrasting sharply with his cool guy act. Well, it wasn't much of an act. More like a shield.

   Then the millionth ad played. It was the same one every time and this time was no exception.

   "Fuck! I hate this thing," he screamed into the pillow so he didn't wake Dirk up. Last time they did that, he sent lil'Cal on them. Karkat laughed at the memory.

   "I really hope you aren't laughing at the ad," Dave teased.

The troll rolled his eyes, "no. I just remembered the time you almost pissed yourself when your brother's damn puppet snuck up on us."

   Dave felt his blood rush to his pale cheeks.

    "I wasn't that scared," he argued.

    "Oh please! You screamed like a little girl, kicked all the sheets off and sent it flying across the room," Karkat snickered. "I'm honestly surprised you even touched the thing. Although you did make me take it outside after..." Dave knew he was right, he did do that, but there was no way he would admit it.

   "Like you were any better! I swear half the neighbours thought you were being murdered!"

   "Yeah, by an audio recording of your scream!"

Dave rolled his eyes, "whatever."

Smirking triumphantly, Karkat turned his attention back to the screen, snorting when a small boy on a tractor ran over his little brother.

    Human relationships are weird.

   Finally, the half hour video ended. The first video they managed to watch that didn't involve troll cruelty.

   "Dude, I'm starving. What're ya hungry for?" A strange part of Karkat's mind whispered, "You" but it was quickly shushed. That's weird, and not ok.

    "Anything," Karkat shrugged instead. Dave suddenly swung his arm over his shoulders and whispered in his ear, "You know what I'm hungry for?"

   Karkat blushed, "what?"

     "Some Vantass," he said, enfisizing the 'ass' part. The troll widened his eyes in surprise, did Dave just read his mind or something? No, humans don't have abilities. Then, was Dave... flush flirting?!

    Dave took one look at the shocked face and knew he messed up. He really messed up.

   'You shouldn't have said that,' his brain laughed at him.

   "You," Karkat paused, thinking of a good way to finish the sentence. "You're really just, so stupid."
He couldn't help but smile, and that calmed Dave's nerves down. The smaller boy just always had a way of speeding his heart up and calming him down at the same time. It was a wonderful feeling. 10/10 recommended by your doctor. And Dave for that matter.

   "Whatever Karkles, lets go make something for dinner." He stood up, only to be pulled back down. Huh? Karkat nuzzled his neck from behind, breathing in his scent.

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