Playing With Fire Isn't Dangerous When It Comes From Within

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   The sun set behind the trees as the evening turned to night. As the time to leave before the last bus crept closer, Karkat conversed louder and louder, anxious to leave Kanaya's side. Eventually, they could not wait any longer, and he threw his arms around her. Kissing his forehead, she told him not to worry, for she would be in touch. She has Dave's number, after all. Sniffling with wet eyes, he nodded and clipped his collar on.

   "It was nice to meet you, Karkat," Rose smiled, shaking his hand. Her skin was cold to the touch. Dave saluted them as they walked out the door, shivering slightly at the cool, night air. It was rather dark out.

The bumpy trail back to the bus station  seemed even more uneven in the dark, the light from Dave's phone barely lighting the way.

   "Um, rap is stupid."

   "No way! Rapping is where it's at. So cool."

   "Cool? Ha, that's a good joke! They're not even saying anything! It's just nonsense vulgar trash-talk!"

   "Yeah? Well, that's because you haven't heard it done by the master."

   "Oh, of course. That must be it. And where exactly is this fucking master?"

Dave stopped and posed. "You're lookin' at him."

Karkat scoffed. "Like you would master any sort of skill, no matter how awful."

   "Yeah? Lemme show you how it's done."

Karkat wanted patiently for 2 seconds before shouting, "Well?!"

   "Well, I'm gonna need a beat first."

  "No you don't."

  "Mm, yes I do. It's the law, and I'm layin' it down."

Groaning, he did his best to make some semblance of a pff-pff-chsh beat. As Dave waited for the right moment to begin his freestyle, he remained unaware that Karkat has ducked his head in embarrassment. The beat suddenly turned into a shriek as he fell. His ankle jerked sharply on the edge of the curb, and he tumbled down into a small ditch.

   "Karkat! You ok?" Dave asked, kneeling beside him. He got a groan in response, followed by a sharp hiss as the short troll tried to stand up.

   "Dave, I think I twisted my ankle."

He frantically checked his phone for the time. There was no way that they would make it with Karkat like this. He looked around for any clue, then at his ankle.

  "Can you walk?"

  "Absolutely not. I can try though-"

   "It's fine. I mean, sorry you're hurt and all, but I think we can make the bus if you just hop on the Strider Express," he rambled.

  "But-" he frowned. "Fine."

Dave turned his back and he climbed on, getting blood from his cut hands on Dave's mahogany sweater. As he struggled to stand, he realized that Karkat was a lot heavier than he was two weeks ago. Instead of the skinny runt that could easily be carried up the stairs, Dave struggled to keep the healthy troll from strangling him.

   He wanted to check his watch. They were almost there, but surely the bus was too. the heavy troll getting heavier by the second, he broke into a light jog towards the bus. Almost there.

   Then the doors shut.

   The bus was gone.

   "Dave," Karkat asked. "Was that..."

   "The bus? Yeah." He sighed. Setting him carefully on the bench; he had no choice but to call Dirk. It was nearly eleven and he had a heavy troll who couldn't walk home. The phone rang and rang before it made it to Dirk's voicemail. He tried calling a few more times, but to no avail. Growling in frustration, he stuffed the phone back in his pocket.

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