Are We There Yet?

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The chime of a small bell, nudged by the opening of the door, rang through the small lobby of the troll adoption centre. Dave walked right up to the counter and slapped the credit card onto the table with more force than necessary, startling the person behind the counter. The name tag on their uniform said that his name was "Cali" and that he was a volunteer.

"I'd like to adopt a troll," Dave said. He looked unamused at him. Not wanting to lose this stupid job-he had to pay the rent since his sister was good for nothing-he put on the best fake smile he could manage. His stupid twin sister, Calliope, better get her head out of the clouds and get a real job, he couldn't take this much longer.

"Sure. Would you like to go watch them playing outside or should I hand pick them myself for you?" Why is he so bad at this?

"Nah. I've already got one in mind," he said bitterly.

"Thank fuck. Got a name?" Caliborn turned to the computer.

"My name, or the trolls name?"

"The troll, obviously. Though I'll need yours later anyway."

Dave pushed the shades up his nose, the heat of the building making him sweat a little, "my name is Dave Strider and I'm here to re-adopt Karkat Vantas."

Sollux noticed that a few trolls from the other side of the fence were looking at him, curious to see what was happening. He rolled his heterochromatic eyes, turning away without sparing them a second glance. He looked at the point where the fence meets the wall, where he had been digging a hole almost large enough to escape through. Maybe he can finish and get Karkat and himself out of here. With a renewed determination, Sollux did his best to carefully drag the short troll's dead weight over to the corner.

He looked at his claws, which were filthy from digging the hole and not having anything to wash them off with. Shaking his head to get rid of his distractive thoughts, he used his psiioniics to move the rock -which covered the hole- out of the way. The sparks crackled through the air, and he hoped no one had heard it or the slight thump from the rock. Otherwise, he would surely be caught. He set to work, pulling and pushing more and more dirt out of the way so hopefully he can slip under the fence and get Karkat to a hospital.

"Hey Captor, wwhatcha up to?"

Oh gog, not him. Not now.  "Shut the fuck up, ED. Can't you thee I'm buthy?"

Eridan scoffed, "wwhy are you actin like a gog-damn wwiggler, Sol?"

"Go away fishdick! I'm not in the mood for your bullshit," Sollux replied, making sure to stay away from insults that involve letters he lisps and stutters over.

"Noww just wwait a cod-sucking second," Eridan made sure to use as many "s" words as possible, "Are you tryin to escape?!"

Sollux quickly covered his mouth with his muddy hand, barely muffling shriek of protest. The sea-dweller's fins flapped aggressively at the side of his head, an instinct he was sure couldn't be helped.

"Ssshhhhhh! You're gonna get us caught you idiot!" Sollux whispered angrily, spitting everywhere.

  Karkat mewled painfully at all the noise. Both pair of eyes shot towards him, then at each other and back again. Eridan batted the disgusting hand away.

"ED," the yellow-blood started. "I have to get him out of here."

Eridan started noticing the painfully twisted face, the shuttered breathing, twitching and whimpering coming from the bleeding mutation at his feet. His face softened. He could see the silent plead in Sollux's freaky eyes. Eridan wondered how they've managed to stay so caliginous without either making a move. With a sigh, he pulled his wand out from his worn, unfashionable, beige pants.

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