Time To Be King

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Everybody has at least heard of, if not read, a Danny is King of the Ghost Zone fic right? Well, what if it did happen?

He's sitting in Lancer's class, being used as a human air conditioner since the school's is broken, and all of a sudden, the wolf that was somehow involved in the mayor kidnapping rips a hole into the classroom. Everybody starts freaking out, and Clockwork comes out and just basically abducts Danny.

All anybody can hear is Clockwork saying that the coronation starts in an hour and Danny going "I thought you were joking!"

And, yeah, Danny may have saved the world, and he may be a hero, but he is still a 14 year old boy who is nearly failing every one of his classes, and everybody is suddenly a lot more concerned with inter-dimensional politics and if the ghosts are gonna be okay.

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