Their Denseness Will Be The Half-Death Of Me

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In a world where Danny never revealed his identity, the Trio are getting insufferably annoyed by the denseness of the town. I know there are already a few fanfics like this, but the ideas are limitless.

They start dropping hints everywhere. Sly comments, near confessions (entirely on purpose, not slip of the tongues), outright smartassery. They do it all.

"Gee, Danny Fenton, your name is remarkably close to our town hero's, Danny Phantom's. And, wow, you look like you could be twins!"" (Sam in the park on a warm Saturday afternoon)

"So, last night, Jazz, Mom and Dad were out, and I lost my key. I couldn't just wait for them to come back, so I just went throught the wall." (Danny in Mr. Lancer's classroom)

"With how often Skulker tries to hang your pelt on his wall, I've scheduled extra hunting practice for this afternoon."(Tucker in their booth of the Nasty Burger)

"Y'know, Wes, I don't know why people don't listen to you more. You are right far more than anyone gives you credit for." ( Any and all of them, shouting to be heard at any available oppurtuinty)

All the while, Wes is being slowly driven insane.

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