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          The sun broke through the opening of your tent. The zipper was broken, leaving the door open to the surroundings around you. The fabric danced in the breeze that hit your face, causing you to wake up. Back to it, you thought as you sat up, slipping out of the black sleeping bag you were cocooned in. You grabbed your supplies, throwing your quiver over your shoulder and wrapping a firm hand around your bow. Time to find some breakfast. Birds flew through the sky, zig-zagging gracefully, avoiding the branches of the trees that stood all around. You set up your shot, taking aim at a deer that stood across the lake from you. I'm sorry. You let your arrow go, the deer galloped away at the sound of a loud crash. Your back stiffened as you looked to the sky.

"What is that sound?" You asked yourself, your voice floated through the wind as you trampled through the foliage and overgrowth. The sun beat down and glistened upon the lake, a blinding light reflecting off its surface. You shielded your eyes as you surveyed the land before you. Another loud boom, bang, crash rustled through the leaves. Your pace hastened as you ducked under ferns, and bounded over fallen trees. Branches and twigs grazed against your bare arms as you ran through the trees, leaving behind small scratches and cuts. You could feel you heart racing as you ran swiftly, never losing your footing, your hair swished in time with every step.

The bushes rustled as you darted past them. Sticks on the forest floor cracked beneath your weight. Your breathing was heavy as you stumbled upon the clearing, pushing the final bits of leaves from your face and peering out into the open. You could feel the sweat roll down your arms, burning the open cuts, and mixing with the blood that streaked your arms. You were greeted by something unbelievable. Impossible! you thought as you reached for an arrow in the quiver on your back. You drew your arrow back as you held the bow up. 3...2...1... you released, the arrow soared through the air and stuck into the ape's back. It didn't seem to faze the beast.

"KA... ME... HA... ME... HA!" A man screamed as he flung his arms towards the monstrous animal. A blue blast escaped his palm, you watched with wide eyes as he continued fighting with the gigantic ape. What the hell is this?

Your eyes scanned the rocky terrain before you had the idea of getting closer to the action. You leapt and bounded over and through the rocky path, finding your way behind a boulder that brought you a few meters from them. "Who are you?" A shaky voice asked. You turned to see a short stubby man with long hair, holding a sword towards you. "Don't make me ask you again!" His sword brushed against your neck.

You gulped, "I'm [Y-Y/N]... I-I mean no harm!" You spoke nervously, dropping the bow from your hands, letting it drop to your feet as you held your hands up to your head. "I was hunting in the woods when I heard strange noises... I was curious and just wanted to come see what it was all about."

"Well you know," he smirked, "curiosity killed the cat." He put force onto the sword, it nicked the skin on your neck causing it to bleed.

"Yes, well, haven't you heard?" You maneuvered in such a way that you now held the sword in your hands. You held it up, touching the tip of his nose, "Curiosity may have killed the cat... but satisfaction brought it back. Now... who are you? What is all this?"

"My name is Yajirobe," he stepped back.

"Hello, Yajirobe. Now, what is all this?" You asked, motioning towards the fight and withdrawing the sword from his direction.

He hesitated before speaking, "A fight for humanity. The ape there," he pointed, "he's come to kill us all. You... me... everyone on Earth."

Your heart raced as you took in his words. You threw his sword back to him before grabbing another arrow and holding it in your hands. "I'll help. We need to beat this thing!" You scooped your bow off the ground.

"That little thing is not going to kill him." Your face fell as you slid the arrow back into the holster, and placed the bow around your body.

"Him?" You were confused. "How do you know it's a him?"

"Well, he was human before and now he's... that! In order for him to become normal we need to cut off his tail." You stared at the fight happening in front of you, planning a way to get to the tail of the beast.

"I'll do it," you grinned. You never ran from a challenge, and this would be the biggest one of your entire life. "I feel this way made for me. Destiny... Fate, if you will. I've never run from a fight. I always fight anything thrown my way head on... This will be a story to tell my grandchildren." You ripped the sword out of his chubby hands and ran off, your quiver rhythmically falling against your back.

Standing at the base of where the man rested upon, you looked up at him. His hair stood on end in every direction. His top was ripped and singed. The sweat on his body glistened in the setting sunlight, his muscles on full display. You could see he was getting tired, his energy fading with every attack he attempted. You found a small rock that jutted out of the side of the pillar and grabbed hold, finding another for your foot to rest upon. Beginning to climb up the side, the suns rays beat down against your skin as you pulled yourself upwards to the strange man. He has powers... Surely he could kill me in an instant...

Your hands grasped the ledge as you peered over the top. You spotted the man on his back, blood splattered around him. He was completely drained of all energy. His face was bloody, his body bruised. Breathing heavily, you drug yourself up and over the ledge. Tip-toeing over to his side and bending down over his body, "My name is [Y/N]..." You spoke in a whisper. "I'm not going to hurt you," you ripped the fabric of your shirt, balled it up and began to pat his forehead clean of blood. "I'm here to help you as best as I can."

He smiled up softly, his hand grasping onto yours, squeezing gently. "My name is Goku, it's nice to m-meet you..." He said before his eyes closed. You placed two fingers against his neck, he still had a pulse. He's still alive. His chest rose and fell in a slow rhythm.

"Destructo disc!" Your head shot up at the sound of another male's voice yelling out, followed by a dark chuckle from the ape's mouth.

"You fools, you thought I wouldn't be expecting that sort of attack!"

You looked over to the short man, his head was completely barren of any hair. He looked nervous as the ape turned towards him, his back was towards you. Without hesitation you took a running start before leaping over the edge of the tall rock formation, swinging the sword over your head. As you plummeted towards the ground, you flung the sword overhead. It sliced through his tail, it fell to the ground with a loud thud as you tucked into a roll, jumping to your feet.

"I wasn't expecting her," his voice shouted out as he fell.

With wide eyes, you watched in a mixture of shock and horror as the ape fell slowly, his form changing to that of a man with black flamed hair. You looked away as he hit the ground, getting crushed by another ape that changed into a little boy. You felt faint at the sight of all this... this insanity! Never in your 20 years had you seen supernatural men turning into apes and switching back... men yelling "kamehameha" and having blue shoot from their hands... Your brain began working hard to process everything you'd just witnessed. Slumping onto your knees, the short bald man ran to you, "Can I take this?" He picked up the sword in front of you. You nodded slightly before he ran off without saying another word. Your heart thumped against your chest as you watched on from your place on the ground. The man who was once an ape crawled into his pod and was flying off into the sky. 'Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore,' ran through your mind before everything went black.

••• ••• •••

I have too many ideas so I started yet another story. Oops. But hey, at least this one isn't a Vegeta X Reader! It can be about anyone and everyone! Whoever you, the readers, want! Whatever you want!

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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