Hey! It's Sophie,
I'm gunna be posting these authors notes every fifth post, not to many in my opinion.
How's the book so far? Probably sucks since I haven't gotten anyone's opinion on it and haven't edited😅, at the end of every author note I'll put in a fact about Wolviea that you don't know or haven't quite picked up yet.
Anyway I thought it would be fun to take someone's random 'about me' questions and answer them so here we go!
1; How Did You Get Your Name?
Well as you hopefully know my name isn't actually Sophie but my real name my mom had in mind for her first daughter since she was a young teen.
2; When Was The Last Time You Cried?
Not in a while actually, Umm... Apart from pain I usually don't cry about shit until it really sinks in ages after whatever happened. Maybe when I lost my dog three weeks ago?
3; Do You Like Your Handwriting
I did. Until I started Wattpad and started to write all my stories on there. But it's not too bad.
4; What's Your Favourite Food?
Erm, I love homemade sushi but Chinese takeaways would take the prize.
5; Do You Have Kids.
Too young for that but I love kids and hope to have some one day.
6; If You Were Another Person, Would You Be Friends With You?
Honestly no, I barley talk in real life and only have one friend that I let close. And most the time when I talk it's a sarcastic comment or rude remark.
7; Do You Think Your Smart?
Yes actually, in most categories. I grew up watching history channels and survival stuff throughout middle school and being in highschool really boosted my intelligence. Plus I'm two years young for my grade.
8; What Do You Regret Doing As A Kid?
I was so loud... I mean like REALLY loud as a toddler. I yelled for regular talking and didn't think what others thought of me. Now I barely speak and it's usually a mutter and people tell me to speak up.
9; What Do You Feel Like Doing Right Now?
No doubt I feel like sleeping in a cold bed with heaps of pillows and my sister out of hearing range.
10; What's Your Favourite Drink?
No matter the season anything that's cold and contains no alcohol. If I had to choose probably cold coke with ice.
11; Whats Your Clothing Style?
Basically my whole wardrobe is shades, denim and green. Typically a plain shirt with shorts and a cap. No make up whatsoever.
12; Are You Strong?
Stronger than most girls my age so I guess I'm strong(ish).
13; Whats Your Favourite Dessert?
French vanilla ice cream with berries all the way.
14; What Do You First Notice About People?
Their attitude and if they judge people to quickly.
15; Favourite Colour?
Light pale colours, probably green or baby yellow.
16; Whats The Most Messed Up Moment Of Your Life?
2017. I lost my dad and everyone on his side of the family to my parents brutally divorcing. He took our five hunting dogs, then another shocker came up. He was addicted to P (If ur above 15 search up 'P Drug' and you'll understand) and a few other things. I lost my best friend to the depression I had and drifted from everyone I ever knew.
17; Who Do You Miss The Most?
My dad, we had a great bond most of the time and we're very alike. I understand he's done a lot of pure shit things but I can't help but not love him.
18; Pets?
None right now but I've had over twenty in my lifetime. Comment if you want to know their names, species and cause of loss. But I'm getting a westie and calling her Charlie in a month or so.
19; Whats The Last Thing You Ate?
Erm, it's currently 6;02pm and all I've had is Potato salad and a single strawberry.
20; What Are You Listening To Right Now?
Nothing, surprisingly. I can't write at the same time but usually it's something in Nightcore.
21; Favourite Smells?
Men's Cologne!, Vanilla or Fresh Baking...
22; Who Was The Last Person You Talked To?
Umm... well. My nanas miniature schnauzer, Poppy. But if it had to be a person it would be my popa a few hours ago.
23; Mountain Hideaway Or Beach House?
Well it's the summer holidays and I'm at a beach house on an island currently with my mom, sister and grandparents. But Mountains hideaway sounds isolated and cold so definitely there.
24; Favourite Sport To Watch?
None😅. Not a sporty person. But you've caught me at a rare time and crickets on tv, New Zealand🇳🇿 vs Pakistan🇵🇰.
25; Hair Colour?
Light brown but it's sunburnt so usually dark brown.
26; Eye Colour?
It was dark brown, then hazel but now that it's summer it's more light green.
27; Scary Movies Or Happy Endings?
Scary movies all the way!
28; Last Movie You Watched?
I'm currently watching Arrow, the series. But for movie I think I watched The Cult Of Chucky last in 2017.
29; What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
Dark green.
30; What Season?
In order Autumn, Winter, Spring then Summer. If you can't tell by now I hate heat.
31; Hugs Or Kisses?
Depends, but I love hugs.
32; Laptop Or Tv?
Barley watch tv, don't have a computer anymore. (I write on IPad)
33; Any Tattoos?
Nope and never will.
34; Favourite Sound?
When there is none.
35; In Photo Or Taking The Picture.
Much rather take the photo, ever since I was young I hated being in pictures. Plus I love photography.
36; Were's The Furtherest You've Been From Home?
Erm, the mall... (I live like two blocks away from it) but rarely I go to the island I'm on now (4 hours drive away)
37; Role Model?
Growing up it was the good side of my dad, but since New Years I lead myself.
38; What Have You Done Today?
Well I slept till 10;30am, went swimming... been writing for the last two hours and about to go swimming again.
39; Personality In Three Words
Quiet, Independent & Caring.
40; Lover?
Hell no, I live the single life, just last month I turned down one of my good friends.⚜️⚜️⚜️
Well that took way longer than expected but now I'm Of for my swim. Comment and ask about Wolviea/Blair if you have any questions or suggestions!
Here's the Wolviea fact.
Wolvieas fur colour depends on the season, in the wild it helps with camouflage when hunting.
❄️Winter❄️= Light Grey/ White.
🍁Autumn🍁= Darker Grey/ Black.
🌷Spring🌷= Creamy Brown.
☀️Summer☀️= Light/Dark Brown
Word Count: 1126
Her Spirt|Wolviea
ActionI've spent my whole life with no one. Living in the mountains take a tole on you. But I've had to stay there, no one can know about me. No one can know my secret. But I'm moving to the city tomorrow. My territory is getting ripped down, every last p...