First Day of School

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A month into the school year

"Why did we have to move!?" Kenneth asked his brother as they were in the car driving to their destination

"You've asked this for about a month now" his brother said obviously annoyed by his brothers complaining

"I know but I felt I was really learning a lot of stuff with Guy and Abby!" Kenneth said referring to his old teachers "I even almost got a girl to be my girlfriend!"

"Yes, but your mother got her job transferred and there's not much we can do unless you don't want to see your mom again?" His brother said

"Of course I want to keep seeing mom but-"

"Come on Kenny just go in and try and enjoy your first day you're already late, you might even make new friends" his brother said as he unlocked the car door for Kenneth to leave


"And fix that attitude by the time mom picks you up you're already late!" his brother said as he drove away from the school

Kenneth made his way towards the school and couldn't help but be amazed at the size of the school building

He didn't really bother to research where he was going all he knew is that it was good school and would be worth the move according to his mom

He walked into the school and the first thing he noticed was not a usual siting for a day of school

It was empty

He walked a little bit down the hallway and checked his phone and it was indeed Wednesday and it wasn't a holiday or a half day

Kenneth looked up and saw a person running down the hallway perpendicular hallway

"Hey wait!" Kenneth shouted out making the kid stop and shift his attention towards Kenneth

"Look dude I'm already late for the pep rally!" The boy said about to walk away

"Wait I'm new here, its my first day and I have no idea what's going on!" Kenneth pleaded as he ran towards the boy who stopped for him

"Oh so you're the transfer student we've been hearing about! Kenneth right?" The boy with dark hairsaid

"Kenneth San Jose but Ken or Kenny is fine" Kenneth said

"Okay Kenny I'm Joshua Price! You can call me Josh or Price for short" Josh introduced himself

"So you said a pep rally?" Kenneth asked the boy

"Yeah it's going on in the gym but I was hanging out with some friends so I'm kinda late" Josh said "But since you're here you can be my excuse as I need to get you caught up here!"

"Thanks appreciate it" Kenneth said

Josh showed Kenneth most of the classrooms on the way to the gym and explain exactly where he was but as they got closer the music and noise drowned Josh out

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