Came to do

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Josh and Kenneth approached their usual table with Kaycee, Tahani, and Tati already sitting down at

"I still don't get how you beat us here when we're in the same class" Kenneth says

"Because you two and Bailey like to go super slow" Tati says "Where is Bailey anyways?"

"She stopped by the bathroom" Kenneth answered

"How's the dance for the showcase coming along?" Kaycee asked

"Horrible, me and Bailey can't seem to agree on anything" Kenneth says

"I thought you two got along great?" Tahani said

"We do but when choosing moves she just seems uncomfortable with them" he says "Whatever, what about you all since Josh still doesn't want to do it"

"Sean and I are almost done just need some final touches" Kaycee answered

"Well we decided on the song finally but right now it feels like four separate parts" Tati said

"Yeah we thought we could make up for lost time by dividing the song into four parts with each of us choreographing a portion but they don't flow well" Tahani continued

"Sorry I'm late" Bailey said as she sat down in her usual seat next to Kaycee and across from Kenneth

Tahani Kaycee Bailey
Tati Josh Kenneth

"It's cool so why are you and Kenny having problems?" Kaycee asked

"Issues?" Bailey asked confused

"He said you two can't agree on the moves" Tati said

"Oh... Sorry I'm not that used to dancing with a partner still" Bailey admitted

"Oh why didn't you just say so?!" Kenneth asked

"I don't I just didn't think I would be this uncomfortable at it" Bailey said

"I never understood when people say that" Tati said

"What do you mean?" Kenneth asked "It seems understandable"

"I mean Josh said the same thing and he seems to dance well with anyone just fine" Tahani said

"Well I mean remember that one time in middle school I danced with Kyndall I was so bad" Josh said

"That's because you were dancing with your crush dude" Sean said as he came over to the table

"What are you doing here Sean?" Kaycee asked

"Wanted to see if you wanted to talk?" Sean said "Care to walk?"

"Sure" Kaycee said as the two started walking down the hall

"They're cute" Tati commented "Anyways so unless there's something about Kenny that makes you uncomfortable like Josh dancing with his crush..."

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