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Next week Monday


Josh told Kenneth that their are numerous rooms available to use after school and thats where Kenneth and Bailey agreed to rehearse for the winter showcase

"You know I've only been here 4 days I'm still not used to the school layout" Kenneth said to himself as he looks for the room number Bailey gave him

"He hears music in a nearby room and walks towards it and peeks in, only to find Bailey doing ballet

'She's really good! I only dance hip hop but even I can tell she's really good' Kenneth thought to himself

Bailey was finishing her move and through the mirror she saw Kenneth staring at her so she quickly stopped the music and pushed him inside and closed the door

"You can at least say something!" Bailey said as she clears the room

"Sorry its just you're really good!" Kenneth says as Bailey shakes her head

"Whatever lets just get started, what song do you want to dance to?" Bailey asked

On the other side of the hallway Sean and Kaycee were going through a similar process but Josh was there as well but only on his phone as Sean was his ride home for today

"Wow with that song you're going to hit the audience straight in the feels" Josh says commenting on there song choice

"Well we just felt its a message that needs to be said" Kaycee said

"Yeah like Sean did last Friday" Josh said

"What do you mean?" Kaycee asked

"Tell her Lew" Josh said

"I might have told San Jose to not enter the showcase, so he wouldn't embarrass you guys" Sean admitted as he can't lie to Kaycee especially with Josh in the room as well

"Why would you say that?" Kaycee questioned

"Because I don't know if he's committed to dance like we all are! You saw class Thursday he forgot the combo and Josh here had to save him, all because he couldn't focus" Sean said "I don't want his lack of commitment to affect you all and if he messes up you all will get seen as failures along with him"

"Sean those were the wrong words" Kaycee said "Just say you were concerned about us not don't do it"

"I know what I said wasn't nice but someone had to be cold to him or he'll just not take things seriously, if there's one thing I learned from the seniors last year is that once you fall from the top its impossible to take that spot back" Sean said

"So you're just being a good mentor?" Josh questioned

"I guess I'm more concerned about you two, Tati and Tahani though" Sean said "You all worked hard to be seen as the best freshman dancers and I don't want this new kid to force you lower than what you actually are"

"Sean you know I have no intention on being the best dancer I just love dancing" Kaycee said with Josh nodding in agreement

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