New Place New Life (Brendan Gallagher)

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You were at the airport, waiting for your parents to come pick you up.
You just graduated from BC University but your parents told you a couple of months ago that the family was moving to Montreal because of your father's job.Luckily your were at your last year at Uni and you had time to finish it before you moved.

Your parents and little brother, Nathan, came to Montreal a week before you and now you were waiting for them at the airport.

You finally saw them and went hug them. You were happy to move to Montreal cause you've always loved French and Alice, your best friend from High School, moved here 2 years ago and you couldn't wait to see her again.

It took you 15 minutes to get at your house, that was really beautiful. You unpacked quickly and you called Alice. She told you to meet her at the coffee down the street. When you saw her, you ran and attacked her in a big hug. You were both so happy to see each other, after 2 years, even tho you talked to each other almost everyday. "I missed you so much girl" you said " I missed you too Y/N !" She said. "Look at you, you look amazing" she added and you laughed shyly. "Look who's talking" you said with a big smile. "So what do you wanna do tonight, I'm all yours" she said. "Well maybe you could show me the city a little bit" you said "Perfect, and what about a movie after that, sounds good?" she asked "Sounds perfect" you said and you both left visit the city.

As you walk, you catched up about your lives and relationships and all the stuff that girls talk about everyday. She told you she was dating Alex Galchenyuk, a foward for the Montreal Canadiens,for a little bit more than 3 months now and you couldn't believe she kept the secret. She just said she wanted to see your reaction in person. You knew Alex from watching him at TV when the Canadiens were playing the Canucks but that was pretty much it.

After she showed you the city, you went back to her and Alex appartement. "Hey babe, we're home" Alice yells as you enter. A few second later, Alex appeared. "Hey" he said and he kissed Alice. "Hello, you must be Y/N, Alice told me so much about you" he said and he kissed you on both cheeks. "Nice to meet you Alex" you said. "We're coming listen a movie so you and Brendan will let us the TV, right" she said pouting. It's clear that Alex couldn't resist that, no one could, no even you. "I don't mind but you have but I'm not so sure about Brendan" he said "Oh he will let us" she said.

That's when he arrived from the kitchen. "I will let you what?" he asked. Brendan Gallagher, number 11 from the Montreal Canadiens. You remember seeing him on TV, you found him really cute, but it was nothing compared to him in person. He was really attractive. Your eyes met his and he smiled. His smile was gorgeous.You smiled back at him. "The TV" Alice said and it brang you back on earth. "Okay" he said "Great, thanks" she said. "Ohh Brendan, this is Y/N, my best friend from high school. She just arrived from Vancouver" Alice added. "Nice to meet you" you said. "Pleasure his mine" he said and he leaned forward to kiss you on both cheeks. You got chills as he did that.

"So what are you girls gonna watch, The Notebook ?" Alex said playfully. "No we thought about The Conjecture" you said "I heard it was really good" Alice said. " Are you gonna scream during the whole movie" Brendan asked. "Alice will " you said laughing. "Shut up, I don't scream" she said "Oh yeah it's true, you scream and cry" you said mockingly and she stuck out her tongue at you. Alex and Brendan both laughed. "Well, I want to see this" Alex said. "Yeah me too" Brendan added and you let out a little laugh. "Go put the movie, I'll make popcorn" Brendan said. "Ok good" Alice said. "I have to go to the bathroom" you said. "First door on the left" Brendan answered. "Thanks" you said and made your way to the bathroom.

You couldn't believe Alice was living with Brendan Gallagher. He was seriously so hot and his laugh was so cute. You couldn't help but smile went you thought about it. Now you were just hoping the Conjecture wouldn't be too scary so you wouldn't make a fool of yourself in front of him.

When you came back from the bathroom, Brendan was in the kitchen and Alice and Alex were already cuddling on the couch. You made your way to Brendan and asked him if he needed help. "Yeah, well you can bring this" he said. "Do you want something to drink?" he asked. "Heumm, do you have some beers?" you asked in return. "Yeah, just one sec" he said as he opened the fridge to give you a beer and he also took one for himself. "Hey Chuky, Alice, want something to drink" he yelled from the kitchen. "2 beers please Gally" they shouted. "So that's how they call you, Gally" you said with a smile. "Yep" he said and smiled.

So you took the popcorn bowl and your beer and head to the living room. You sat on Alice's left and Brendan sat beside you. The movie start and the beginning was a little scary. Alice had scream a couple of times already. On your side, you were closing your eyes and shaking your legs. When the movie started to get even more scarier, you couldn't help but burry your face in Brendan's shoulder. He then put his and on your thigh to comfort you a little bit. It was sweet of him. You saw that Alice was in Alex's arms and she wasn't even watching the movie anymore, listening to it was enough for her.

After what look like eternity, the movie finally end and sadly you had to get your face off of Brendan's shoulder but you were happy the movie was over. Seriously, the worst you'd seen yet. It seemed so realistic and it was scary as hell. That's when you received a text from your dad

' Hey sweetheart, just wanna know if your coming back tonight ?'.
You answered quickly
'Yeah dad I will ! Goodnight, I love u Xx'.
'Okay, goodnight love you too xx' he sent back.

You turn around to see that Alice was sleeping in Alex's arms. "I'm gonna go, I start to feel a little bit jetlag and it's 1 AM" you said quietly. "Do you live far" Brendan asked "I'm 15 minutes away from here" you said. "Ok, I'll drive you home" he added. "Ohh no, no. I'll be okay" you said. You didn't want to disturb him. "No, seriously, it'll take 5 minutes, I'll go" he insisted. "Okay, thanks" you said. "Bye Alex, tell Alice I say bye " you said "I will, bye, goodnight" he said and you and Brendan left.

5 minutes later you arrived at your home and Brendan pull in the driveway. "Thanks for the ride home, and thanks for your shoulder during the movie" you said with a little laugh and he laughed too. "No prob ! anytime" he said. "Bye, goodnight" you said as you two hugged. "Bye bye, goodnight" he said and you got out of the car and head to your house. As your were thinking back of your first day in Montreal you couldn't imagine it in a better way.

New Place New Life (Brendan Gallagher)Where stories live. Discover now