Ch. 5

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Hey guys,

First of all, I wanted to apologize 'cause I didn't post in such a long time. It's just that finals took a lot of my time!

Also, I know my English isn't the best, but the more I write, the better it get so it'd probably get better soon (I hope!)

I'd like to know what you think of my story, so don't be afraid to comment to give me suggestions and feedback!

Thanks alot, hope you'll like this part :)
-Sandrine :) Xx


You heard the door close and then you turned to look at Alice but she was already staring at you weirdly. "What?" you asked. "stop looking at me like this, it's creepy" you added. "Nothing, just..... I TOLD YOU SO" she screamed and smiled. "I know, I know" you said with a smile too. "I'm so happy for you" she said hugging "Thanks" you said hugging her back. "Ok now I wanna know how it happened" she said. You told her everything that had happen last night and she was over excited for you.
Then, you made breakfast and spent the morning with her before heading back home around noon.

As you pulled in the driveway, you got a text from Brendan saying
'Hey, just finished practice, I'll be home soon :) <3'
'Hey, I just left your place, had things to do at home. But you can come over !! Xx' you texted him.
'Yeah sure! You wanna go out tonight, a little restaurant?' he asked
'Of course, would be nice :)' you answered.
'Good, I'll be at your place in like 30 minutes. See you later, love you <3' he texted back.
'Great! See ya, love you too Xx' you said.

Perfect, 30 minutes, it let you enough time to shower. No one was home cause mom and dad were working and your bro was at school. You jumped in the shower and washed your hair quickly.

You were brushing your hair when someone knock on the door. You ran downstairs and went open the door for Brendan. "Hey" he said as he took you in his arms and kiss you. "You smell good" he added. "Thanks, I just showered" you said smiling. "So, how was practice?"you asked him. "Good, but I was looking forward to see you. "Me too" you said kissing him again. "So this is your place" he asked looking around. "Yeah, wanna see?" you asked him. "Yeah, for sure" he said.

So you showed him the house and he end up checking everything in your room. After that, you lay on the couch with him. You two talked, learning things about each other, your families and not lying, you two kissed a lot too.

Actually you were kissing when Nathan got home from school. "Hey sist" he said way too casually. You were kind of embarrassed and you could tell Brendan was too. "Hey, Nate" you said "Remember Brendan, right?" you asked him and as you said that, you realized how stupid you question was. Of course he remember him. "Yeah" he said. "I didn't know he was your boyfriend tho" he added. "Yeah, I am" Brendan said with a smile. "Nice" Nate said.

"So how was your day?" you asked him. "Not great, I don't understand when the teacher explain something. Not more when she tries to explain it in English to me" he said exhausted. Nathan was having a hard time switching from English school, to French school. "Do you want my help?" you offer him. "You would?" he said. "Of course, you know I'm not bad in French" you said. "Yes" he said. "Okay, get your stuff out on the kitchen table, I'll be there in 2" you told him. He went to the kitchen and you turned to look at Brendan.

"I'm sorry, you mind if I take a little time to help him, he needs it" you asked. "Of course not, but can I stay with you guys, I wanna see how good you are with French" he said mockingly and you laugh a little as he stock is tongue out at you. "Yes sure" you said kissing him one more time before getting up and heading to the kitchen.

You sat at the table and Brendan sat beside you. After like 20 minutes, everything was done and your bro was so happy.

Your brother and Brendan talk about hockey as you made dinner for Nathan. Your mom had to work an extra hour and you knew how hungry your bro must be.

Then, Brendan asked him if he wanted to come at the practice monday morning and Nathan said yes right away. It was going to be the best day for him. It's been a long since the last time you saw your brother that happy.

After that he left and went play video games in the living room. "Thanks, you didn't have to do that" you told Brendan as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. "I wanted to. It'll be fun to play with him" he said smiling as he kissed you one more time. "My mom's gonna be here soon so I'll go get ready for tonight, you can go play with Nate or come with me" you said to him. "I'll go check on Nate" he said with a smile. "Okay, I'll be ready in 15 minutes" you said and he laughed. "No way it's gonna take you only 15 minutes, girls can't be that fast" he said playfully. "Watch me" you said winking at him before going in your room.

You choose a white shirt with a peter pan collar with black pants and your fav black boots. You put some make up on, not too much, just a casual look with an extra eyeliner line. Then you took your purse and put a black blazer on and went downstairs.

"Voilà" you said as you arrived in the living room. Brendan and Nate were playing NHL14 and Nathan was beating Gally. "Wow, you are fast" he said with a smile. "Let us finish the game please" Nathan said. "Okay, but you better beat him Nate" you said siting beside Brendan. "You're beautiful" he said as he kissed you on the cheek keeping an eye on the game at all time. "Thanks" you said.

They finished the game 5 minutes later and Nathan beat Brendan, or he let him win ! Your mom had text you she'll be back in 15 minutes so you could leave. "Nate were leaving. Mom will be back in 15 minutes, don't answer the door neither the phone, okay?" you told him. "Yep" he said. "Okay, bye, love you little monster" you said kissing his forehead. "Have a goodnight" he said to you and Brendan and then you left.

You got in the passenger seat of Brendan's Range Rover and you left your house. "You know, it's really nice the way you act with your brother" he said as he put an hand on your thigh. You took his hand in yours. "Well, I got a chance he didn't have. My mom didn't go back to work until I was 8 but she had to go back when Nate was only 2 so I try to be there for him as much as I can, cause I know how hard it must be to grow up on your own" you said. "Well that's amazing. You do so well with him" he said bringing both of your hands to his mouth and kissing yours sweetly. You wrapped your arms around his right arm as he put him hand on your thigh again.

You had pass only one day with Brendan, but you've never felt that great. He was really the sweetest and you were really happy with him, even after a day.

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