Ch. 2

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It was 11AM when you woke up the next morning. Jetlag was the worst thing. You went downstairs and made yourself a real nice breakfast.

"Good morning" Nathan said as he entered the room. "Hey, morning little bro" you said "Where are mom and dad" you asked him. "They went buy something, didn't tell me what, but I didn't want to go" he answered. "Did you eat?" "No, but I'm really hungry" he said and you let out a little laugh, of course he was hungry, he always was. "Okay, what do you want Mister" you asked him "anything?" "Yep, I'll cook you whatever you want" you said "A grilled-cheese" he said excited "Really, I offer to prepare you anything you want, and you ask for a grilled-cheese" you said. "Yepp" he said with a big smile. You loved him, he was the best brother and you wouldn't trade him for anyone, well at least for now, let's see in a couple of years if you change your mind on this. "Okay, go for a grilled-cheese then. Let me 5 minutes" you said. "Can you poor me a orange juice please" you added.

You cooked his grilled-cheese. "Double cheese for you, but shhhut, don't tell mom" you said laughing. "Thanks" he said.

As he finish eating your parents came back. "Morning honey" your mom said and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "Hey mom" you answered. "Where were you guys" you asked. "We went buy something for you" she said. "Really, what ?" you asked. "Well, we were right in packing and moving out when you graduated and we didn't get you a gift" your mom said. "Really, mom, it's okay. I don't mind" you said. "I know, but we do. We are so unbelievably proud of you and we wanted you to have something" she said. "Come here" your dad said showing you the way to the front door.

He opened the door and that's when you saw it. A grey Volkswagen Golf GTI. Your dream car. "Happy Graduation darling" your dad said looking at you and you could see all the pride in his eyes. "WHAT!!! You bought me a car" you said looking at your parents. "Yeah, it's yours" your mom said. "Oh my gosh, it's too much! I can't thank you enough" you said and hugged them both. You turned around to see Nathan laughing. "You knew about this, did you" you asked him. "Yepp" he said smiling so big. "Thank you sooooo much, I love you " you said to your parents and as you felt tears running down your cheeks. "We love you too baby girl, but don't cry" your dad said wiping your tears away.

A little after, you texted Alice.
'Hey girl, what you doing today ?'

'Hey, I have nothing plan, wanna come over for dinner?' she answered.

'Of course, I'll be there around 5:30! See ya Xx '

'Perfect, See ya later xx'

You went take a shower, got dress and went downstairs. "Hey little monster, wanna go for a ride" you said to Nate. "Yeaaahhh " he said jumping around obviously excited. "Okay, let's go" you said. You got in and told Nathan to put on some Luke Bryan. A car ride his always better with some Luke on.

"If you wanna know the real me, just turn the pages in my dirt road diary!!!" you sang along with Nathan. You rolled around in Montreal and finished at an ice cream place. As usual, your brother took the biggest ice cream cone and got ice cream all over himself. Whatever he was doing, he always made you smile. So you got back at your house after a great afternoon with your little bro.

"Mom, dad, I'm going at Alice's house" you said just before you left. "Okay, have a goodnight, love you" your mon yelled from the kitchen. "Love you too" you said and left.

5 minutes later, you were at Alice's and knocked on the door. Brendan was the one who opened the door and he greeted you with a smile. "Hey Y/N, how are you" he said. "I'm great, thanks! What about you" you said as he leaned forward and hugged you. "I'm great too" he said smiling.

Does this guy ever stops smiling ! Well his smile his so gorgeous so he wouldn't be a problem.

You entered the house and Alice appeared from the kitchen. "Hey girl, I saw your car in the driveway, new one?" She asked as she hugged you. "Yess, my graduation present from my parents" you said really excited. "That's awesome" she said. "What did you graduated in" Brendan asked you. "Communications from BC University" you answered. "Pretty nice. Congrats " he said still smiling. "Well, thanks" you said returning his smile.

It's when Alice coughed and break the moment between you and Brendan that you turned your head to look at her. "So since your an awesome cook, we will prepared the dinner together because those two seriously can't cook" she said. "Hey that's not true" Alex yelled from the living room. "Talk for yourself Chuky" Brendan said laughing. Seriously, his laugh was even cuter than his smile. How that could be possible. This guy had everything for him.

So you and Alice cooked some pastas. It was absolutely delicious. After dinner, and out of sudden, Alex and Alice got up "We're going to buy a dessert at the bakery. We'll be back with it in like 10 minutes" Alice said and they left. That was weird cause now you were alone with Brendan. Not that you mind, not at all. You just hope it wouldn't be awkward.

"You want some more wine" Brendan asked you. "Yes please " you said giving him your glass. "So Alice said you were from BC, where exactly" he asked you as he finished pouring wine in your glass. "Well technically I lived in Vancouver but I spent most of my time in Steveston" you said as all the memories from your childhood flew back in your end and you couldn't help but smile. "That's a nice place. I've been there once, I loved it" he said. "Yes, it's amazing. What about you, where are you from" you asked him. "I wad born in Edmonton but we moved to Tsawwassen when I was 12" he said. "Tsawassen seems like such a beautiful place, but I never got the chance to go there" you said looking right in his eyes. it was the first time you really looked at him from up close. His eyes were amazing. Green with some blue in it, gorgeous. You were seriously beginning to think that this guy was perfect.

"Yeah, well I love it. It's calm and nice. It's home" he said. "Ohh I feel you on this" you said with a little laugh that brought a smile on his face. You kept talking until Alex and Alice came back. You all ate dessert, that was good as hell, and after you cleaned up.

"Hey girls, are you coming to the game tomorrow ?" Brendan asked. "Do you love hockey Y/N?" Alex asked you. "Oh she surely does. She's the one who introduce me to the wonderful world of hockey" Alice said laughing a little. "Well I mean, who doesn't love hockey, right?" you said smiling. "Oh I couldn't agree more" Brendan said cracking a smile again. Gosh, his smile.

You stayed at their house for a good part of the night, talking, laughing and genially having fun. You really enjoyed the time you were passing with them and it felt like you knew them for so long and you loved it.

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