Heartache on The Big Screen

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Hey doods! I'm ready to write this chapter because the last one had a MAJOR CLIFFY!!!! And yeah...LETS GET IT ON!!!

Rewind to the start before n it all went wrong, what's going on~ Heartache on The Big screen by 5sos


Nico quickly turned to Jason who was kneeling by the boulder. "No, no, no!" Jason was saying. Nico looked down at the base of the rock. Alexa looked pale and blood stained her lips red. "Jason, we need to move the rock," Nico said urgently. Jason nodded.

It took the boys about 20 minutes to finally move the giant rock. Nico took a look at Alexa's leg that had been stuck under the rock. Her pant leg was ripped and her leg was bruised and bloody. Nico gasped. "Come on Nico we have to go," Jason said as he lifted the unconscious girl off the ground and into his arms.

Nico was worried. He hoped Leo didn't kill him when they returned carrying his half-dead girlfriend. Oh gods.... Finally they reached the Argo ll. Frank sighed with relief when he saw them come into view. Leo was pacing the deck and holding his bad arm.

Leo's head whipped to Jason who was holding Alexa. He gasped and rushed to her. "Let's get her, to the infirmary," Frank said. Once Alexa was in the infirmary they could figure out what injuries she actually had. For one thing, her leg was broken, and seriously bruised.

Nico helped Leo with repairs so they could get back to Camp Half Blood as soon as possible.


"So how did you kill all those Romans?" Nico asked Jason. "I had help from Frank the dragon," Jason shrugged. "Is Daniel still alive," Nico asked. "Yeah, he got away," Jason frowned. Jason looked at the clouds. The Argo ll had been in the sky for about 5 minutes.

"I'm going to sleep, you should too," Jason suggested. "Ok," Nico said as he walked with Jason to their rooms. "Goodnight," Nico said. "Goodnight," Jason replied. Nico had seen Leo still in the infirmary with Alexa. His head was rested on her arm. He curly hair in his eyes.

Nico put on some pajamas and closed his eyes, he was glad when no dreams occurred. First time in days he'd slept well and it felt good.


Leo was a wreck. He was in the infirmary waiting for Alexa to wake up. He'd tried talking to her bit it didn't work. "Please, Apollo, save her keep her alive," Leo prayed. Soon his eyelids felt heavy and he was asleep.


"Hey, kid your Leo Valdez right?" Apollo asked. "U-um yeah," Leo stammered. "Heard your little prayer," Apollo said. Leo nodded. "Will she be okay?" He asked. "She'll be fine, can't have the child of the next Great Prophecy dying before she fulfills the prophecy," Apollo said.

Leo gasped, new Great prophecy!?! "Wait Great Prophecy," Leo said. "Uh yeah, I have a haiku about it," Apollo smiled, gods his teeth were really white!

"There is another great prophecy

Leo is scared,

Apollo is the best," Apollo finished.

Leo just tried not to laugh at the 'skills' of the god of poetry.

"But, seriously kid, keep her safe," Apollo said before the dream ended.

*End of Dream*

New Great Prophecy, oh great.

Hey der!!! Hope you enjoyed that chapter. I was wondering if you all could check out my 5sos/1D fanfic, thanks!!!






Alexa: *-*

Hazel: :0

Piper: O-O

Annabeth: Oh dear gods.,,

Lol, so Vote, Comment and Share!!


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