As Long As You Love Me

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Hey Guyzz!!! Thanks for all the votes I've been getting lately!! I really appreciate it!! Sorry I couldn't update this weekend. I was in Grand Rapids for my moms half triathlon!!! Let's get in with the story!

As long as you love me, we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke~ As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber

*^please listen to song thanks^*


Alexa hobbled to the front of the deck. She gasped when she saw Leo unconscious on the floor. Blood was pooled around his head. Alexa limped over to him and sat down.

She shook his shoulders. "Hey Leo wake up," she whispered. He flinched and his eyelids fluttered. "Oh gods, my head," Leo complained rubbing his forehead. He had a cut above his right eye. "I feel horrible," he said wiping the blood from his mouth.

"Gods you scared me," Alexa said bringing him into a hug. "I was just getting my head smashed by Da- where is he?" Leo asked. "I k-killed him," Alexa said. Leo stared, "oh, are you okay?" He said sounding concerned. "Yeah I'm fine," she responded quietly.

"We need to find everyone else," Leo suggested helping Alexa stand. The two walked together to the main part of the deck. Daniels lifeless body still lay on the ground. Alexa looked away, disgusted. They made there way down the stairs.

"I'll go to the training room can you go back to the mess hall?" Alexa asked. "Yeah," Leo smiled kissing her gently on the cheek. He ran up the stairs while Alexa continued down the hall.

She opened the doors to the training room to find Jason lying on the ground. As she approached him she saw his hands were bound behind his back and he was blindfolded and gagged. He flinched as she moved towards him. Alexa limped over to him and ripped off the cloth covering his eyes.

Jason relaxed immediately when he saw who was standing above him. Alexa cut his bonds and he took out the gag. "How did Daniel defeat you?" Alexa asked. "He caught me off guard, I was training and the next thing I know is that I was lying on the ground," Jason explained. Alexa nodded.

Soon Leo and Frank walked in. Someone was missing, it was Nico.

I was seriously gonna end the chapter here, your lucky I'm nice...

"Leo, did you see Nico?" Alexa asked. "Uh, no," Leo said scratching his head. "I'll go find him," Alexa said standing up. She stumbled a bit because of her crushed leg but she was able to stand. "I can get you some crutches if you want," Leo suggested. "Thanks," Alexa said.

Leo ran out to go to the infirmary. Alexa sat with Frank and Jason waiting for Leo to return. He came back 5 minutes later carrying a pair of crutches. "Thank you," Alexa smiled and walked out of the room to find Nico di Angelo.

Alexa roamed the halls until she heard a soft groaning from the Armory. She carefully walked into the room to find Nico sitting on the ground. "Nico!" Alexa said rushing into the room. Nico looked up, blood was running down his face from a cut on his head. "Oh gods," Alexa gasped.

She worked her way over to Nico. Once she reached him she ripped a piece of her shirt off and tied it around Nicos head as a makeshift bandage. "Leo! I found Nico!" Alexa yelled for help. Soon Leo, Jason and Frank ran in to help Nico to the infirmary.


Nico was laying in a bed in the infirmary. Alexa was washing the blood off of his face. She had properly bandaged the cut on Nicos head. "It hurts," Nico complained. "I'm not even touching the cut," Alexa said. "Whatever," Nico said rolling his eyes.

Alexa watched Nico fall asleep then she left to see Leo. Leo was steering the ship, as usual. "Leo, put the ship on autopilot," she said startling the son of Hephaestus. "Okay," he said. He clicked a few buttons and walked over to Alexa.

The two walked into Leo's room. Leo sat down on his bed and Alexa joined him. "I love you, do you know that," Leo whispered into her ear. "I do know that," Alexa said smiling. Leo pulled Alexa into a passionate kiss. It sent sparks through her as they kissed.

A while later they broke apart gasping. "I love you Repair Boy," Alexa smiled snuggling into Leo's chest. "I love you too Sunshine," he replied.

AWWWWWW Some Aleo fluff for YOUZZ. Okay? Okay.





Nico: Wut?

Lol I hope y'all enjoyed that chapter, remember vote, comment and share potatoes💕


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