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"What happened Ibrahim" His tone turned hard and cold. Probably he realized that he was about to kiss me. "Saheb there is a report from our other men they have spotted Bandits" Ibrahim said. Mr. Rodriguez nodded.

"From now when we move we will keep close watch on everything" Mr. Rodriguez said to both of us. "Yes Saheb" Ibrahim said. I only nodded.

That night when I fell asleep I was hurdled against two men. Ibrahim and Mr. Rodriguez. "Ibrahim keep the first watch" Mr. Rodriguez said.

"Yes Saheb" . Does he ever address him as anything else? Oh yes I remembered he called him my friend for two times.

"Your thoughts are racing again Miss Davis" I heard Mr. Rodriguez say. "Yes I was thinking a thousand ways to kill you" I said. "I would like you to try and see how much you succeed." High and mighty self is back on it's place.

"So why is that you run away from your home only to search for your father and escape the marriage?" Mr. Rodriguez asked.

Why are you interested in my story now Mr. Cold Hearted Rodriguez? "I rather not talk about that Mr. Rodriguez" I said. I watched the fire dim and I started to feel cold. I felt something drape over me. His coat why was he being so generous now? "In desert night are meant to get colder Miss Davis" Mr. Rodriguez said. And sometime between watching him and fire I felt asleep.

I woke up as the sun Rays hit my eyes. It was just early in the morning. I saw the coat was still draped over me. I sat up and stretched my sore muscles.

I saw no one beside me. Please don't tell me that Mr. Cold Hearted Rodriguez left me here for good. "Ibrahim" I called. No answer. "Mr. Rodriguez?" Again no answer.

I adjusted my cloths and thought about looking around. Maybe I can find something here. I hope. I saw two figures approaching towards me.

They were discussing something. I looked around there was no place to hide in here. If they saw me which they will I will be dead. But I am not going down without a fight.

I was about to pull my dragger but then I saw the familiar pair of Ibrahim and Mr. Rodriguez. I released the breath I was holding.

"Miss Davis I thought you might be asleep up to now" Mr. Rodriguez said in a flat tone. "Good morning to you to Mr. Rodriguez" I said not meeting his eyes.

"so are we ready to travel?" I asked him. "Yes but we will be travelling cautiously. My guards saw bandits few miles east from our position." Mr. Rodriguez said. " So we fight If we ran into them accidently?" I asked. "No Miss Davis we will not it would be better if we stay unharmed for rest of the path. I don't want any more injure person to deal with" Mr. Rodriguez said and he passed me without looking.

"What made him angry in the morning" I asked Ibrahim. At least he was the one whom I can talk to. I don't want to admit but I am kind of missing James. But I still don't know what happened to them. Are they still on the ship? Do they found new work?

"Two of our men were killed last night by the bandits. They were our best men and we only got twenty- four of them. James was also injured but he is alright now" James? "Which James the one who was the cook?" I asked. "He is adviser of Mr. Rodriguez who loves to cook" Ibrahim said and it made me laugh.

Mr. Rodriguez looked at me as he mounted his camel. "Want to share something funny Miss. Davis?" "You never told me that James was your adviser too?" I accused. "It wasn't a necessary information to mention Miss Davis." He said and led us farther.

Oh yes Mr. Very high and mighty Rodriguez it was necessary because he was too a Noble man and he had a chance to marry me with my father's approval. Which you don't want me to know.

"Thank You Mr. Rodriguez you might have just solved my problem" I said. Ibrahim looked at me and gave me a warning look. "And what could be that Miss Davis?" He asked. "I can tell my father about the current fiancé and then I can Marry James since he is a noble man" I said planting a smile.

But when I saw Mr. Rodriguez's expression I know I shouldn't have joked about this. He didn't said anything but his colder and deadlier expression said it all "I like to see you try Katherine Davis"

Sun was now on it peaks. I am sweating again. But it was not only the heats that making me sweat. It was the silence too. Mr. Rodriguez didn't say anything after I expressed my desire to marry James.

It was suppose to annoy him. He was supposed to shout or yell or even say harsh words. But no he was silent. And when Mr. Cunning and calculating Rodriguez is silent that means he is planning something which is more dangerous than the Bandits now.

Mr. Rodriguez told us to stop. I didn't understood it at first but then he moved behind a large sand dune. Ibrahim followed without questioning. I too did as he said no matter how much I wanted to defy him I could not because he was the best chance I has for survival right now. And I also promised to not to question his decisions. Sadly I cannot back down now.

"Bandits" Mr. Rodriguez said in hushed tone. "not let them catch you if you want to stay as a free women for rest of your life Miss. Davis" He added. "what do you mean sir?" I asked. "since you are a woman they will not kill you but they will sell you as a fine slave" Ibrahim answered for him. "oh no Abe I am fine being free thank you" I said in hushed tone.

"So how do you propose we do this Mr. Rodriguez? If we fight we may lose we are outnumbered here even with your men" I said Looking at the large caravan of the bandits.

"We will not attack. We will stay here until they pass and hope they don't notice us" Mr. Rodriguez said. Wait Mr. I know everything I am high and Mighty Rodriguez was backing from a fight?"

"Why are you afraid?" I asked. "Like you observed Miss Davis we are severely outnumbered and fighting won't do any good we likely to be captured." He replied. Ibrahim was silent through all this.

"I can defend myself" I said. "Good then Miss Davis I will tread you for our lives then" Mr. Rodriguez said. He did not say like I am a bargaining chip. I am not am object and I don't want to be treated like one.

"Saheb they are close" Ibrahim said. "Yes I know they are close" Mr. Rodriguez said placing down the spyglass he had with him. "Get your guns ready if we catch them by surprise we might make out of here alive and remember target the leader and they will surrender" Mr. Rodriguez said. He looked at me and pulled me closer to him. "Katherine if I tell you to run. You just get on that camel and run and don't come back looking after me" Mr. Rodriguez said.

I nodded but I know if it came to me and him I will just save him in spite of his cold and calculating attitude. He did help me a lot and I cannot leave him like that.

I cannot I owe him this much and I will never let him get killed not until I am alive here. The bandits were close now. I can see the weapons in their hands powerful and deadly.

Mr. Rodriguez's grip tightened on me. "I am sorry Katherine I told you that I will help you in finding your father but I may not be able to get out of here alive." Mr. Rodriguez said. The gunshots begin to fire.

We do catch them off guard for first few. But then they became aware of our presence. "I don't regret missing that ship Christen I get to know you and you are being a very good teacher to me" I said. Mr. Rodriguez pressed his lips on my temple and said "stay safe love".

He made his presence known. And more gunshots fired. I wished I had my bow and arrow right now. But I have my gun and this have to do. I pulled it out and tell a quick prayer to almighty. I aimed at the nearest bandit and shot.

And surprisingly he fell down. "one down two hundred more to go" I saw Mr. Rodriguez fighting with grace. Another one was approaching from behind him. I quickly aimed and fired causing Mr. Rodriguez to look behind and he nodded. "let's get this fight started".

As Cold as Ice  (Dangerous Stranger's Book 1) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now