He is She is

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He is, She is

The story of how they found themselves falling in love with each other after meeting one day when he accidentally spilled coffee all over her white shirt...again.

Quick Notes:

COPYRIGHT: This story, "He is, She is" including all chapters, epilogues and associated content (eReaders, etc) is under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved by the author or creator of this work (purple_princess143 aka Isabella, my pen name) and any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, manipulation, distribution or selling of this work constitutes as an infringement of copyright. All infringement of this copyright is punishable by law.

Copyright © purple_princess143

1. The book takes place at many times over the course of an young adult's life and is a bit confusing. Please let me know in the comments or over private message if you need any clarification.

2. This story began May 31, 2014 and was finished in July 2014 so anyone with the same story concept or part of the story is not authorized unless stated, which is nobody currently, to be able to write a spin-off or use any of my original ideas. If my work is being published on any other site or with any other name such as myself please contact me immediately.

3. Comment or votes are greatly appreciated as this story is public to Wattpad and the entire world wide web so if you don't comment or vote it's like stealing a library book without giving thanks to the author/ paying for it.

Thanks <3

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