Chapter 11

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The conversation between Hannah and I disappeared into the wind blowing around us. I was determined to walk away from her both physically and mentally, as if this was me moving on. Although I couldn't help but feel bad since I cold-shouldered her, yet my legs kept making their way to the house's front door as I brushed past Hannah. However, as I passed her, she made a move and attacked me from behind. Weaving her fingers between mine, I suddenly found myself holding hands with her. This ultimately caused me to stop in my tracks as I looked over my shoulder at the girl. I didn't know what I was going to see, but I was aware that she was going to attempt to manipulate me.

I couldn't show her how I felt as I channelled my emotionless husk of a shell that I used to get through the days at school. My eyes glared into hers, and Clare always referenced it as my bad boy emotionless stare because I looked like one of the cool kids from an old-time movie. I was looking at Hannah, scanning her shifting gaze for hints about her actions. I raced to try and decipher her motives, but she simply pulled her hand away, knowing she had my full attention.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to grab your hand. I just- there was something else I wanted to say to you since it's been on my mind for a while now." She admitted forcing my heart to start beating faster than before.

"Okay, then say it," I commanded, but she shook her head frustratedly before looking back into my eyes.

"Fine. Don't date Clare. You can do better. Hell, sometimes I think I should be with you instead of Nathan." She commented, and it was like she took a semi-truck and slammed it into my heart.

She wasn't done there, as the next phase of whatever this plan of hers was kicked off, and in a single swift movement, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me back to her. She had me locked in place and forced me to look into her eyes as she spun us around to the point that my father's car was behind me. Then using her body, she pressed herself against me, and I was forced to walk backwards until my back hit the front of the car. Following her actions, my ears started to deafen as my heartbeat hammered away. Hannah had complete control over the situation now while holding me captive with her body.

It was next to impossible for me to hide the fact I was still interested in her. I was doing everything in my power to maintain what could only be described as a dominant and cold stare. I knew it was the only way to deal with Hannah since she always used her assets to get her way, that being cold towards her was the best way to drive her crazy. I learned that about her at a young age. After being diagnosed with depression, my fading will to care played a part in our dissolved friendship. Still, I was stuck between a car and a beautiful woman now. As much as I tried, I couldn't stop the pink shade that was blossoming on my cheeks, and Hannah could tell that she was breaking down my walls.

"Again, she's just a friend Hannah. I don't even know why you care that much since you and I have sorta been strangers for the last couple of years." I shot back, trying to plunge myself into the darkness of my mentality.

"James, why do you have to be like that? Y'know, I never stopped thinking about you. I miss when we used to hang out. Anyway, back to Clare. For now, she may just be a friend, but be careful since she's got some baggage." Hannah stated, and it was starting to piss me off how she talked about Clare.

"Yeah, okay, whatever. I'll see you in a few days when we go to Australia." I explained as she seemed to understand that I wasn't going to give in to her and unwrapped her arms from around my neck.

"Alright, see you then; by the way, you're cute when you're blushing. Goodnight James. I'll be thinking about you." She said while keeping her body pressed against mine and moved forward so that those last words left her lips in a seductive whisper while her breath teased my flesh.

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