Code Wings Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Dani Nicole Hetzel

Disclaimer: Maximum Ride ©James Patterson

Code Lyoko ©Moonscoop/Toowam/Antefilms/Taffy

Peter Carter © LyokoWarrior1994

Claimer: Cassidy ©Me, Teen-Lyokofan7777. Italics are flashbacks (some of the italics)

I remember...EVERYTHING! I hate to sound all Meat Loafy here, but I REMEMBER EVERYTHING!

I remember every little thing that happened to my friends and me as if it happened only yesterday. I was barely 16 and seven freaking weeks ago, we were normal. We could be at our school. But NOW we aren't normal. We'd feel like circus freaks who've escaped from the same place. I'll start from the way beginning.


I was sitting in Jeremie's bedroom, studying my Italian with Peter helping a little. He has an Italian heritage. I love Spanish better, though. I can string words together better in Spanish than Italian. Odd once teased Jeremie and me by saying something in Italian.

"What?" Jeremie and I said dryly.

"It means you both stink at Italian, good buddies," he smiled.

That wasn't our day. "Hey, Jeremie, you finished typing up that Skid program yet?" Oh yeah, Odd, Yumi, Ulrich, XANA, Peter, and Aelita were with us. I didn't look up from my book, but Odd's voice made me jump. It was eerie quiet when he spoke up. He has that charm. When it's too silent like it was, Odd can break the quiet if he wanted to.

"No, our Skid's defense systems are still too low. Going on the Skid now would prove fatal for all of you." Jeremie kept typing.

"What about Peter's get-home program?" I asked, looking up from my book.

"No good either. Unless I can..." He lost me after that. Techno-babble and I don't usually get along unless someone could translate.

Aelita saw the confused look in my eyes. "He means unless he clears the cache, Peter will have to stay here for a little while longer."

I nodded. It's a very long story on how Peter came here.


"It's open," I yelled. First time I spoke.


"I told you out there, it's open!" I slammed my textbook closed. I don't get people when they knock ignorantly after someone says "It's opened!" It drives me mad. I then got up from his comfy bed. I then looked underneath the door.

Heart pounding I raised my eyebrows to what I saw. Men that looked like wolves and some men that had white coats were pacing by the door. One of the wolf-men got down to my level and looked me in the eye with yellowish eyes. ERASERS! The same ones from one of the book series I was reading.

"Finally finished," Jeremie said.

I went up to his computer and pushed his equipment to one side. "I got to check something!"

"Cassidy...?" Peter's voice was mixed with curiosity and concern.

"It'll only take a second, Peter."

I got up on his table, which, as a lesser note, needed dusting, and looked outside. Thirteen black sedans (oh, holy Toledo) surrounded the dorms. Okay, stay calm; don't scare everyone in the room. "OH (BLEEP)-" Jeremie covered Aelita's ears when I cursed and removed his hands when it was safe. Good job. "WE ARE SURROUNDED!" I screeched. Well, I could have set off a bomb in the middle of the parking lot. Everyone stood up. "WHAT?" Everyone yelled.

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