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"my wishing well has run dry"

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"my wishing well has run dry"


i slowly walked into the enormous building. my heart was beating out of my chest. the officers had put on handcuffs on my wrists that almost cut off my goddamn circulation. i followed the two buff officers into the main office; every once and awhile people would stare at me with blank expressions. i flipped them all off and mouthed 'fuck you' as i continued walking down the hallway of cells.

one of the officers opened the door and a rush of cold air came in my direction. i hesitantly stepped into the room. i looked around the small room and it was all white. everything was white. 'why was everything white? i fucking hate the color white.', I said to myself. "oh welcome, y/n! my name is cara, im here to get you settled in. please, sit down", she said with a fake smile. 'god i hate when people act like im not okay. i can tell shes being fake.' i rolled my eyes in response. i sat down in the ugly and uncomfortable white chair.

"y/n, do you know what you are diagnosed with?", she asked. i shook my head no. "well, y/n, you are diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.", she explained. "do you want me to continue?", she questioned. i hesitantly nodded. "schizoaffective disorder is basically a period of illness where the person has both the psychotic symptoms-". before she could finish i interrupted her. "STOP IT! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP", i yelled in anger with tears brimming at the bottom of my eyes.

the officers, who stood behind me, started walking towards me. "stop. let her be. go and step outside, we'll be fine.", the woman said. "now, y/n, lets just take a few moments to breathe. in and out.", she said. 'thats it. i cant handle being treated like im some lunatic.' i stood up from the chair and lunged at her. 'god i love the rush.' she fell back in her chair and i was on top of her. "STOP TREATING ME LIKE IM SOME PSYCHO", i screamed as i tried to swing at her. the cuffs restricted me from swinging so i tried everything in my power hurt her. "SECURITY", she yelled at the top of her lungs. the officers ran into the room and pulled me off of her.

"LET ME FUCKING GO", i said as i struggled to get out of their good grip. as i got dragged out of that hideous room, cara stood back up and wiped off her clothes and sat back down. 'i hope that bitch dies.' i got dragged down another hallway, but this hallway was much darker than the other one. the lights were dim and the wallpaper was a dark shade of a grey-ish green color. you could barely tell what the color of the walls were because some parts were molded and rotten. i feel my wrists burning and aching, but i shook it off and i continued to walk down the creepy hallway.

we reached the end of the hallway and one of the police officers said, "this is your room. hall E, room 328". he took my cuffs off and unlocked my cell door. "the psychiatrist will be here in a few moments to give you your uniform.", one of the officers informed me. "why do i have to wear a uniform?", i questioned while i rolled my eyes to the back of my head. "because its our rule."

the two officers finally left me and my thoughts alone. i turned around to see the room i would have to live in for the next 15 years. i walked across the hard cold cement over to my bed. i jumped onto it and im not gonna lie, it was pretty comfy. the only piece furniture i had in my room was my bed and a dresser that was practically on its last leg. i looked down at my wrists and they were a dark shade of red. i lightly touched my left wrist and i flinched at the pain that shot throughout my whole arm.

i heard three loud knocks on the metal door to my cell. the lady just walked in without my permission. 'who does she think she is? you cant just knock and then barge in on someone. stop it, y/n', i thought to myself. "so i hear you have schizoaffective disorder, huh?" the lady questioned as she set out my uniform for the day. "y-yeah", i said. "well im natalia. and you are?" "im y/n." "well its nice to meet you, y/n", natalia said with a genuine smile. 'is this the first person treating me like a normal human being? her smile seemed so sincere. i like her.'

"okay, here is your uniform and while you are changing i will be explaining our expectations and rules.", she said. i nodded and took off my sweatshirt and began to put on the disgusting uniform. "natalia? why do i have to wear this piece of shit?", i questioned. she chuckled,"you have to wear your uniform so we can tell which hall you are supposed to be in. you are in hall E so that means your uniform will be black. and we can also see what number your cell is just by looking at your uniform.", she explained

"okay so rule number one: no assaulting or harming any of our staff or you will be sent into confinement. rule number two: you may not visit or have visitors past eleven pm. rule number three: you must eat lunch once your hall letter gets called on the intercom. rule number four: if you become a threat to anyone such as yourself or to others, you will be sent to a padded cell and you'll be thrown into a straight jacket. or on the other hand, you could be put to sleep and be strapped down to your bed depending on the type of threat."

natalia continued with the rules, which felt like two years, she was finally finished. "any questions?", she asked me. "what the hell is confinement?", i questioned. "its the last place you want to end up. confinement is inside of a cold room in the basement. they will starve you until youre too weak to move. it all depends which staff member you assault. if you choose the wrong one... well, lets just say they have a right to do whatever they want to you for a whole week.", natalia explained. 'what the fuck does she mean by that? is she saying they could torture me? oh i wish i could torture that one bitch, cara.'

*beep* "hall E lunch. i repeat, hall E lunch." *beep* "what the hell was that?", i said as i looked frantically around the room to see where the sound was coming from. "y/n, thats the intercom", natalia giggled. i rolled my eyes and let out a loud sigh. "ill show you where the lunchroom is." natalia offered. i followed her down the long creepy hallway again, still receiving stares. "you must eat your meal here because they put your happy pills in the food. if you dont you will be put into confinement.",natalia explained.

"here it is.", she said. it was huge. there were so many people who were just like me, insane. 'i am living for this.' "the bathroom is over there, just in case.", natalia pointed. she eventually left with a wave goodbye and i went up to the long lunch line. i grabbed a tray and the lunch lady threw a spoonful of shit on my plate. she glared at me. "do you have a problem?!", i asked. the lady quickly shook her head no. "thats what i fucking thought.", i snapped back.

i looked around for a table to sit at until i heard someone say something. "hey freshmeat, come sit with us.", a boy with super curly hair said. 'did that dickhead just call me freshmeat? hes going to get it.' with a fake smile i walked over to the table full of people who looked around my age, and i slammed my tray down. i grabbed the pocket knife out of my sock, the one my dad gave to me, and i put it to the boys throat. "say that again and youre fucking dead.", i snarled. "damn, that was hot", he said. i took the knife off of his neck and i sat down next to a short-haired red head girl and the curly q dickhole. everyone stared at me i just shook it off. "just ignore him. hes a fuckin jew", a short boy with curly hair told me. i let out a little laugh.

"well what's your name?", the other long-haired red head girl asked me. "y/n", i said as i poked at my food, not looking up. "dont you want to know ours?", a boy with luscious black curly hair asked me. i looked up from my plate and said, "no i dont", i said with a wink. "too bad", he responded. i rolled my eyes.

~time skip~ (you now know everyones names, backstories, and their illnesses. you also told them your backstory and your illness.)

"yeah i still have a scar on my chest from the time where he threw his broken beer bottle at me", i told everyone. "can't wait 'till you show me that scar, princess", wyatt said with a smirk and a wink. i slapped him...hard. he grabbed his cheek and said,"its okay, i like it rough." i rolled my eyes at his vulgar comment. "wait, so you killed your step-brother with a pocketknife?", millie asked. i nodded. "well y/n, welcome to the lunatics, switchblade", jaeden said with a heart-warming smile. 'switchblade? huh.. i like it.' i smiled back.

word count: 1700

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