| shocker.

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a/n- before you read, THIS IS NOT THE FINALE!! the next chapter will be the ending of this book, sadly. anyways, enjoy!

" hoping and a hoping that i won't try "

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" hoping and a hoping that i won't try "

i sprinted through the long corridors. i frantically looked for a safe room for y/n and i to hide in. i came across the emergency room. "nona! we have a problem!!", i yelled to the nurse.

she walked out of one of the patients room in her baby pink robe. "what seems to be the problem, dear?", she asked, with a look of sleepiness on her face. nona looked to the lifeless body that was in my two lanky arms.

"this girl needs to stay out of trouble.", she said as she shook her head. "follow me.", nona said. i followed her down another long corridor until we reached the staffs bedrooms. she reached into her pocket and pulled out her key and unlocked the door.

"alright wy, lay her on the bed.", she instructed. i lightly laid y/n onto nona's bed. "go back to your cell. she'll be safe with me.", she said. i hesitantly stood there, contemplating on whether i should stay or not.

i pushed the hesitation out of my head and i eventually left. i quickly made a b-line for jaedens dorm, hoping that him and noah were okay.

once i reached their cell, i loudly knocked on their door. "jaeden, get the fuck up! it's me wyatt!", i whisper/screamed. i tried opening the door, but it was locked. 'shit.'

i ran a few doors down and i knocked on noah's cell door. no answer. 'oh shit, oh shit, oh fuck!!' i grabbed a fistful of my hair and i gritted my teeth. 'i told finn this plan would never fucking work.' i walked back into my cell and i sat on my hard bed.

"they're dead!!", i said as i kept thinking that the worst had happened to noah, jaeden, and finn. i couldn't do anything. i was confused and angry. i laid down and pulled the sheets over me, hoping that all of my problems would go away.

they didn't.

'no no no, this cannot be happening again.' i was scared shitless about the thought of me getting tortured again.... but i eventually accepted the fact that i was going to be in the future. as long as y/n's okay... i mean, i did this for her.

'she doesn't even like me. wyatt's probably going to lie to her and say that he saved her..not me. then she'll probably fall for him.' my thoughts were interrupted by an officer barging into my confinement room.

"mr. wolfhard, i came to talk to you about your execution day.", he said. my heart stopped beating. "wait i thought i was going to be tortured.. not executed.", i said.

i felt tears brimming, but i managed to stay strong. "sir, i told you that we were going to execute you.", he responded. i crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. "fine, enlighten me, sir.", i said. he smiled and said..

"tomorrow, 3pm."


stay wonderful

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