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"i've been here alone"

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"i've been here alone"


i woke up to footsteps walking down the hall. they got louder and louder, meaning they were coming towards my direction. i heard a loud knock on my door.

instinctively, i acted like i was asleep. i heard more knocks again. 'what if it's cara?' more knocks. 'don't move.' i kept saying to myself. "y/n, open up!", i heard a voice say. wyatt. 'just great.'

i slowly slid the sheets off of me and i stepped onto the cold, hard concrete floor. i walked over to the door and opened it as slow as i could. "the group and i wan-", he stopped. he looked towards my wounded knuckles.

i quickly hid them behind my back. "what the hell happened to your hands?", he questioned. "none of your concern.", i responded.


y/n opened the door and i was glad to see that face of hers again. "the group and i wan-", i said. i scanned her hands, which were still resting on the door handle. they were glimmering in bright red blood.

she took her hands and quickly hid them behind her back. i scanned her body until i reached her eyes, which were bloodshot and her face was stained with old tears. i felt my heart drop. 'why would she do this to herself?'

"what the hell happened to your hands?", i asked. "none of your concern.", she responded. i barged into her room and i saw glass shattered on the floor.

"y/n....", i said as i turned to look at her. she looked broken, almost as shattered as the glass that lays here..right beside my foot.


"y/n...", wyatt said as he turned to look at me. he knew. he knew that i was broken. suddenly my legs felt numb and my head started pounding. i couldn't hold it in anymore.

i dropped to my knees and started sobbing. wyatt ran and sat beside me. he engulfed me with heartwarming hug. "y/n, it's going to be okay.", he said reassuringly. 'no it's not.'

he put his hand through my tangled hair while i kept crying on his shoulder. i was a mess. wyatt pulled away from the hug and looked into my eyes.

"y/n, i want you to know that i am here for you... i always will be.", he said with a soft smile. he wiped away a fresh tear, that had just been shed onto my cheek, with his thumb. he stared intently into my eyes.

soon i found myself leaning in. his lips found mine and the whole world stopped. all of my pain had been washed away. 'i don't like wyatt. what am i doing?'

he leaned away from the kiss and stood up; immediately missing his warmth. 'do i like wyatt?' he held a hand out and i accepted. he helped me up off my knees and carried me to my bed.

"you look like you need some sleep.", he said; referring to my dark circles under my eyes. he was right, i need sleep. bad.

he softly laid me down on my bed and covered me up with the white sheets. he pushed my hair back from my forehead and kissed my cheek.

as he was about to exit my room i felt the urge to say something. i was already too exhausted enough from crying, but i found my voice and said, "wyatt? please stay with me."

he turned around, "i thought you'd never ask." he smirked and jumped onto my bed. "try anything and i'll kick you out faster than i stabbed cara.", i told him. "note taken.", he said with a chuckle.

i never really thought of wyatt as a loved one. as a matter of fact, i only see him as a brother or do i? as i drifted off to sleep, while wyatt was practically spooning me, all i could think about was...



blood. surging.


stay wonderful

word count:
703 words

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