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" heading for the last fight, before our worlds part "

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" heading for the last fight, before our worlds part "

"do you think this plan will work?", jaeden asked. "it will. it has to work.", i said. i sat down onto the last set of stairs and let out a deep sigh.

i twirled the string of my jacket in my hands, twisting the cool fabric between my fingers with an acute rhythm. my eyes naturally drifted to my dirty shoes just to keep off of my mind.

jaeden followed soon after. "so what's the deal between you and millie?", he said as he nudged me with his shoulder. i rolled my eyes. to be completely honest, i really liked her. she just decided to go after that pussy instead of me.

"dude, i already told you this. i. do. not. like. her.", i responded. "whatever you say", jaeden said. "well, too bad sophia is gay. if she wasn't i would fuc-", jaeden said, but he was soon interrupted by loud footsteps running down the stairs.

we both stood up and we were ready for the worst to come. the footsteps got louder, indicating that they were getting closer. "get ready.", i whispered to jaeden.

out of the darkness, came four officers. 'shit were outnumbered.' jaeden and i pounced onto them, hoping that we could save our friends lives.

soon, the four officers got us off of them and put handcuffs onto our wrists. two officers stayed with us, while the other two ran off to got stop the commotion. i put my head down in defeat. 'i'm sorry finn.'

jaeden and i were soon separated and we were put into confinement rooms. the officer threw me on the ground and slammed the door shut; making sure to lock it in the end. 'this is not good.'



i took a deep breath.


i quickly opened the door and wyatt sprinted towards the officer, while i made a B-line for cara. "finn? what are you doing here?", cara asked me, while she stopped beating y/n. i didn't have time to answer.

i pushed cara against the wall, still hearing the grunting of wyatt and the officer fighting, and said, "you know what you fucking did. you're such a fucking liar. and i believed you!", i said in her face. i reached up to her neck and started choking her.

her face became a deep shade of blue and i smiled at the sight. she fell limp onto the floor and i made sure to kick her with all of the force left in my body. i turned my head to see the horrifying sight of y/n chained up and beat to death.

i ran over to her. "y/n! y/n? i'm here to save you.", i said to her. her head was tilted down and her eyes were shut. i felt a sharp pain in my heart. this is the exact thing i didn't want to happen to her.

i quickly felt her pulse and it was barely beating. "no no no, don't die on me y/n.", i said with tears brimming my eyes. "this is all my fault. i'm so sorry", i confessed. "sorry to ruin the moment but, here's the gun so we can get the chains off of her.", wyatt said.

he handed me the silencer and i shot the chains. i picked her limp body up in my arms and ran. i ran as fast as i could. i didn't know where i was going, but i needed to leave, fast.

i heard footsteps behind me, but i assumed they were wyatts...so i just kept running. i then felt two hands grab my arms, which caused me to drop y/n. an officer had gotten me. i looked at y/n on the ground.

wyatt quickly grabbed her and ran the opposite way of me and the officer. "wyatt! tell her that i love her!", i yelled to him. "finn you're going to be fine, don't worry!", he shouted back. 'no i'm not. i'm going to sentenced to death.'

"wyatt just go!", i responded. he ran around the corner and i could no longer see him or y/n anymore. i struggled to get out of the officers grip, but it was no use. i was going to die... i knew that.

the officer dragged me into a confinement room for the time being. "i will come back and inform you,
your date of execution.", the officer said. he soon left me alone with my thoughts. out of everything that going on right now, the only thing i could think about was...



stay wonderful

word count:
787 words

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