Chapter 3- Me? A lunch lady?!

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Chapter 3 - Me? A lunch lady?!


Andrea's POV

Detention today didn't turn out as great as I thought it would be. I still missed my break time. So I'm now in the next class, Science, and my stomach decided to demonstrate the whales mating call. Lol, got that from the internet. The sound the stomach makes are so... weird. These vibrations are just making me hungrier. Still, it's so embarrassing. Everyone is staring at me and laughing. Guessed who called dibs on insulting me?

Yup, Veronica. The one and only. Oh, just my luck, our teacher had changed her seat to right in front of me because she can't stop flirting to Roberto, the Italian guy. Yes, he is hot, with all his accent and stuff, just not my TYPE. Gosh, I think that of every guy. I'm such a loner.

"What now, Anther? Mummy didn't pack breakfast for you?" That's probably the lamest insult ever, not that ANY insults are cool.

"It's Andrea, what, can't get a simple name into your head?" Oh shit, did I just said that out loud?... For people who are going to visit my funeral or hopefully just the hospital, I like red roses.

"Sorry? Di-"

"Apology accepted" Well I can't chicken out now right? I just got to say that. Not everyday you get to meet these conversation from the internet in real life!

She lunged forward at me and I leaned as back as my chair can take.

''Cat fight! Cat fight!" Everybody chanted, ignoring the teacher's cries.

"You bitch!" Like she isn't one! She stood up and took one step with her super long legs and pulled me out of my seat.

"Enough ladies! Go back to your seats!" My science teacher, Mr. Henry said behind me trying to bring us back to our chairs.

Veronica raised her hand and is moving towards me. No. I will save my beautiful face from danger. So I did what I knew what was right.

Yup, I dodged. They don't call me the 'dodge ball queen' for no reason. Mr. Henry was behind me, so guess what happened?

Yup, her hand had interacted with his face instead of mine.

She stood in shock. So does everyone. It had happened. "Oh my god! Mr. Henry! I'm so sorry! I didn't do it on purpose!" Ha, you're never going to get away with this. 'Cue evil laugh' then she pointed her finger at me. "It was all her fault! She dodged!" Or maybe she IS going to get away.

"You can't blame me sir! It was on natural instincts!" I raised my hands up in surrender mode. A red mark is now visible on Mr. Henry's face, she punched our teacher. If she had slapped me-him, it would appear more feminine and would probably get Mr. Henry into trouble with his wife.

And probably get divorced.

Because his wife think he is cheating.

Me and my great imagination.

"You! Both of you! Go to the principle office!" We just stood there, not knowing what to do. We are the first students being sent to the principle's office today. It's not a good sign... I'd probably get killed by my mum if she knows I was called to the principal office! Guys, remember the roses, bright red and fresh.

"What are you waiting for? Go now!" We ran went to the principle's office, I turned back and saw Mr. Henry rubbing his face up and down vigorously. Gosh, that came out wrong. I'm so dirty-minded. Haha, whatever. But hey, it has been scientifically proven that a person with a dirty mind would live happier than a pure and innocent human.

Nah, I just made that up, got you there, didn't I?

Or not.


"This is all your fault." Veronica sulked. We are currently outside Ms. Courtney's office since she is busy talking to one of the parents.

"My fault? How is this my fault?"

"If you haven't miss my fist, then I wouldn't have hit Mr. Henry!"

"So I am supposed to stand there obediently waiting for someone to hit me?!" My anger is rising, who does she think she fucking is?! Yes, a nerd swears too.


"You! You fuc-"

Someone then interrupted my sentence "Ladies, you may go in and see Ms. Courtney now." it's the receptionist.

So in we went. We knocked her door and heard a 'come in' so we sat down quietly, not daring to say a word.

You know, that was like, 10 minutes and 45 second ago. Yes, I've counted my last minutes.

I've never seen Ms. Courtney up so close before. She never walks in the hallway, checking on students, not much of a good principal eh? She's always in the office and the only times I saw her was at school assemblies. But I bet the bad boys or girls does see her often.

She's staring at us for a full 11 minutes.

Creepy, I know.

Or is that her way to drive students crazy and confess their bad behaviour?

Nah, I don't think so.

"Young girls, I believe boooth of you took part in the cause of Mr. Henry's small, injury?" I see that she emphasized the word 'both'. "Care to explain, Ms. Taylor?" she and Veronica turned to stare at me, waiting for me to blurt out something and get expelled.

"Uh...She...I...Mr. Henry... Ugh, I'll just get this over with." Ms. Courtney just enlarged her eyes about a 100X. "Wait, that's not what I meant, sorry, I was saying, my stomach rumbled in class because I skip break because of detention then Veronicaaaaa here" I did pulled her name as long as I could. "decided to insult me and I got mad and insulted her back, and she pulled me out of my seat, and decided to punch me and the clever me knew how to dodge, but Mr. Henry didn't-"

"Are you saying Mr. Henry is stupid?" Veronica said. Some people just need a high 5, in the face, with a chair.

"No! No! I mean, I dodged and this lady here" I said, pointing to the human beside me and she swat my hand away "hit Mr. Henry"

"Hitting a friend is a bad thing to do" Ms. Courtney looked at her then she turned to me "but letting a teacher get hurt, is far beyond bad"

Isn't it the other way round?

"Anyway, Ms. Candance, you shall stay in detention for a week"

Her last name is Candance?

I never knew.

But, take that you loser!

"And Ms. Taylor? detention a week, plus, helping our lunch lady to, well serve lunch"

No, Ms. Courtney is the loser here.

"What why? Veronica HIT Mr. Henry!"

"You could have stopped that."

I swear she was bribed. I saw the eye wriggling moment. DON'T THINK I MISSED IT.

"But-" I'm trying to save myself.

"No buts, both of you, back to your classes."

And with that we stood up and I went to PE.

Remember that I say PE is my worst subject?


So, it's done!

Hope you have enjoyed :3

Sorry if it sucked.

See You!

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Stay tuned, for Chapter 4 :)

-Heather & Ellie

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