Chapter 1 - Where's my Bra???

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Chapter 1- Where's my bra???


I'm a barbie girl! In a barbie worldddd'

The dreaded song I have to hear every morning, it's repeating over and over again like a broken radio. I reached over and pushed the damn button on top of the alarm clock. I got out of my bed, practically hearing it crying when I was leaving.

'Don't cry, my beloved bed, you'll see me tonight!'

My poor bed...

I went to the bathroom across the hallway of my room, which was on the second floor of my house. As I let the cold water rinse through me, I sang along to Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift. I turned around to get my towel and my clothes I brought in with me. While reaching for my shirt, I realized that I haven't wore my bra. Looking around my bathroom, I still see no sign of it. I peeked out of the bathroom door, being careful enough to not show more than my face, just in case.

"MUM? WHERE ARE YOU?" I shouted out. Then I heard some manly voice which belongs neither to my mum nor my dad,since he left work ages ago.

Oh damn it. There's an unknown male stranger in my freaking house talking to my mom ! No way in hell would I say anything about not finding my bra in front of a boy! Now lets just hope my mum didn't hear me - which is highly impossible, considering how loud my voice is. But a girl's got to have hope!

"Yes sweetie?" she called. Damn it, all hopes crushed.

"Errrr....nothing mum!"

There was a pause and my mum continued "Are you okay? come down now or you'll be late for school!"

Not with the guy I won't. I started to panic, and slowly all the 'what ifs' came flowing into my head.

What if she asks the guy to get me downstairs?

What if she's too absorbed in the conversation with the guy that she doesn't notice I'm gone?

Or.. even worse! What if I'll die in this very bathroom, half naked?

"Dear?" my mum called.

"Hello?" Ignore me, mum.

"Andrea Lynn Taylor.Answer me right now or I will personally drag you down, and you won't want that to happen. Now do we?"

Gathering up all my courage, I shouted, " Ican'tfindmybra" I swear I could hear a giggle coming out from that guy. Seriously! Which guy giggles like that? Girly much.

"Andrea? Talk slower dear" ugh.

"I can't... findmybra, can you help me get it?" The guy is laughing!

"Help you find your what?" Can't my mum hear me already?!

"My bra mum, MY BRA!" A full blown out laughter came howling from that guy.... Wait, why do I hear sounds that has more than one frequency? Oh no! It can't be! There's more than one guy, there should be at least 3 of them! Did I just said something about a private piece of clothing in front of 3 freaking guys?!

"Okay, sure dear! Do you want the black, lacy one or the pink one with the Minnie Mouse?" more laughter can be heard. This is so embarrassing!

"Just get me my bra please" I begged. Is she not aware of the male species beside her listening or is she the wicked witch of the east disguised as my mother to humiliate me???

"Ms. Taylor, we should get going to school. Hope you like the fruits we got you" one of the guy said.

"Wait, do you mind my daughter tagging along? She goes to the same school with you" my mum added before they leave.

"Sure. No problem"

What did my dear mother get me into??


Stepping out of my house, I saw a majestic, sleek, exquisite silver Mercedes waiting outside my house with 3 gorgeous guys sitting inside which I guess is about my age, if not older.

There's one blonde haired, with stormy grey eyes, sitting at the back. Another one, has spiky black hair, electric blue eyes which sits at the shotgun. Finally the guy with chocolate brown hair with eyes the colour of deep forest pools which sits behind the wheels looked at me, then said "Well hello to Cinderella who left her bra instead of her shoes for her prince"

"Hello to you too. It's good to know I will become a Disney princess. By the way, if I am Cinderella, then who are you guys?"

"The 3 smart,gorgeous looking Prince Charming of course" he said.

This guy must have an ego as huge as the ass of an elephant. His smirk is starting to tick me off, giving me the urge to slap him. But that would probably become the main cause of the World War III. Being a good citizen, I will save my world from this danger, I just wish that I could wipe it off.CLEAN.

"Excuse me, but did you even read the story? Cause in the story the mice were the ones who took Cinderella to the palace and now, looks who's driving ?" I think I have torn the smirk off his face and plastered it onto mine.

"Ooooooo BURN!" The two other guys chorused, and received the flash of the finger.

"Shut up." The brown head said to them. Then he turned to me "Get in the car. Or I will just leave you here to walk to school."

I scampered in the car and sat with the blonde haired guy at the back seat.

If we go to the same school, how come I've never seen them before?

"You don't know who we are?!" All the guys turned to me and shouted.I cringed at the loudness of their voice.

Did I say that out loud?

"Yeah you did." The guy beside me said, aka. the blonde one.

"Okay that's creepy, but am I supposed to know who you guys are?" I mean, it's not like they are some famous celebrity right? Right?

"Oh this is going to be a fun car ride for sure." The black hair guy said.

"Oh and, why were you at my house this morning?" I looked at them.

"Curiosity kills the - Cinderella" the brown haired one said.

Again with that smirk.

I didn't say this out loud, but, boy was it sexy.


Today we published our first chapter. Hope you like it :)

So how is the story so far???

It looks short but we'll add more in rest of the chapters!

Support guys :D

So stay tuned, for chapter 2

- Heather & Ellie :)


Sneak peek for chapter 2:

We suddenly came to a halt.

"Get off my car." the driver said, I stared at him like he has just popped out another eye.

"What? We haven't even reach school yet." I said.

"Get off or you'll regret you were ever born." he replied.


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