4. "Go on a date with me."

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A/N: Hey guys, if you comment, I'll dedicate the next chapter to you, so please let me know what you think :)

ps: Their outfits are in the picture to the right.




I had been awake for hours, admiring the master piece laying next to me. If I hadn’t known all that was probably tearing the little head of hers apart, I would have assumed that no one was ever as peaceful as she was in her sleep. Her bare body was covered by her favorite blanket, her silky hair falling onto her face, and I had to remove her hair away, to mentally capture that scenery ahead. I was tempted to leave my hand there, resting on her cheek, but I didn’t want to disturb her sleep, so I forced my hand to pull away. I wanted to freeze that very moment, in fear that it would slip away too quickly, and she’d shut herself off yet again. My heart pounded at the thought of being hated by the person I loved most yet again. Yesterday was so good, I caught glimpse of the Lillian I soldiered on for. And I didn’t know if I could bear losing her again.

“ It’s not polite to stare.” Her voice startled me, with its deepness and sleepiness. And I knew that she was still here, my Lillian. I chuckled to myself, minimizing the space between us.

“ Well, good morning to you too.” I joked, planting a lone kiss to her forehead, as she hummed in delight.

“ What time is it?” She questioned, snuggling against me.

“ It’s 1 pm.”

“ Skip work. Lets go back to sleep.” She brought her mouth to my ears, biting slightly, as her hot breath fanned my face. She knew quite well what she was doing to me, and I couldn’t help but cave in.

“ Go on a date with me.” My arms circled around her, as the words escaped my mouth. She brought her blue eyes to mine, examining my features for any signs of humor, but there wasn’t any.

“ You’re serious.” She half stated, half questioned.

Did I rush her?

Was I too blunt about it?

Was it still too soon?

Was she about to reject me again?

“ You don’t have to if you’re not comfortable, I will never pressure yo-“

“ What did you have in mind?” The confusion on her features dissolved into the playful smirk she revealed.

“ I want to take my beautiful wife out for a fancy dinner, is that okay?” I questioned, as she buried her face into my neck again, planting several, slow kisses.

“ Beautiful wife.” She repeated after me, her voice saturated with playfulness and joy.

“ Aha.” I confirmed, attempting to mask the goose bumps  taking over my whole figure.

“ What time, husband?” And if a heart could contain a certain portion of happiness and love, mine was flooded by it all, almost coming to a burst.

“ Say that again.” I couldn’t contain the need in my tone.

“ Husband.” A smile formed on my lips, at the acceptance and certainty with which she said that word.

“ Six?”

“ Six it is. Now go keep yourself busy, I need to get ready.” With that she pulled away, my body already craving for her touch.

“ We still have five hours.” I frowned, watching as she brought her hands to her waist, looking at me as if I was so stupid to assume that five hours were too much time. I put my hands in the air in surrender, walking out the door with a chuckle.

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